The Woodburn Story - Part 2


Mother and daughters. Left to right.   Edith Weakland, Dorothy Reid, Mother Crist (Bertha Crist), Margaret Crist, Violet Page, Mable Crist

Charlie & Mabel Crist and children.


Uncle Charlie, Aunt Mabel, & family.

George W. Crist Sr & sons. Left to right, Lawrence, John, Dad, George Jr. Wright.


Aunt Mabel Crist (center) & ??

John M. Wells & Dick visiting Crist farm about Summer 1930.




Mable Crist (Bertha's daughter) and Florence Keeney - 1940


Woodburn Folk on their farm in 1946.

        (Written to these three ladies at Christmas – 1946)
                        A Woodburn Fairy Tale
            Once upon a time a weary sojourner wandered into the realm of three eternally young sorceresses.  Like all who touched the aura of their personalities, he was snared by the mystic web they used – spontaneously, like a spider spinning her fluff.
            What was the secret potion they used:  He could not say, because like all spiritual qualities which defy definition, their personalities had to be drafted slowly like a cup of hot coffee in winter to absorb their comfort and healing.
            Then years later he had a dream about the power of their simple virtues; for theirs was no ponderous philosophy.  In the dream tags could be seen on some of the silken strands of their web, such as:  Love people.  And try to understand them, because intelligent sympathy is the tool of mercy and goodness.  If one cannot understand people, just love ‘em.  Hate the evil in people – The admonition “Love Thine Enemies” is not so utopian after all, because the evil in them is but a parasitic fraction.  Be ruthless with Weeds – then accentuate the positive.  (Trite, but it skims some of the cream, dear ladies) JMW                  First published March 1, 1988 in "The Wells Account"


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