A Memorial concerning Eliz Smith 

Elizabeth Smith of Burlington in New Jersey died the 2nd of the 10th month 1772 aged about 48 years.  From a Child her deportment had an appearance of Composure and steadiness unusual, frequently, while others sought Recreations and Amusements abroad, she chose to be at Home, employing herself in the Business of the Family – or Improving her Mind by some useful Applications, as she grew up The Reproofs of Instruction became the way of Life to her And governed in an extensive Manner by a meek and Quiet Spirit.  Her Conversation and Conduct seemed to be almost one continued Example of Child like Simplicity and Innocence.  She lost her Mother while Young, and had much of the care of her Fathers Family for a Considerable time before his Death, such was her Duty to him, and such her Behaviour in general, that few Children have ever gained the Love of an anxious Religious Parent more, and a Blessing attended it, as her future Life Manifested.  She had a great Veneration for the Holy Scriptures, one Day taking up a Bible, she said, turning to an Intimate Friend “ What a Treasure they are” by such, and other Methods, she laboured to Inculcate their Use and Benefit to those about her, but was fearful of a place in the too fashionable Books and Reading of the Times. She had a feeling Heart, and the Distressed were often relieved by her Charity, happy in herself she endeavoured to make all about her so.  Her Words were few, but Sensible, and often Instructive Her Person was rather Taller than the middle Size and Comely, her Dress was Neat, but plain, for use and not for Vanity.  Her Address was grave, yet engaging She often Retired to Wait upon the Lord, to know her Strength renewed in Him, and the Effects were visible by a chearful Serenity in her Countenance.  She Lived and Died Unmarried, a Pattern of Modest Worth and Virtue —— Being early called to the Work of the Ministry, she traveled considerably in its Service to the North thro’ New England and some to the Southward, as well as frequently to The Meetings about Home, she had a Clear, consistent, intelligible manner in speaking, and it being from the right Foundation, had generally a good Effect upon the Auditory —— In some of her last years she was much Afflicted with the Dropsy, in 1767 and 1768 Doctor Thomas Bond with his usual Skill and Judgment within about six months at three Tappings took from her upwards of thirteen Gallons of Water, which greatly relieved her, and she was for several years in tolerable Healthy, in this Interval she frequently attended Meetings for Worship and Business, and the last Summer, Tho’ much enfeebled in Body, had often very acceptable Service in the Ministry, alive and Strong in the Best Sense her Company was very greatly Satisfactory to Friends about her.  The Dropsy at last after gradual Undermining her Constitution got the better of it.  She waited for her Change with a lively Hope, and the prospect of her approaching Situation seemed to have elevated beyond all human Attainment —— She uttered many Expressions during the Conflicts of her illness much to the Comfort and Edification of those present, In Solemn Supplication to the Almighty to be near and Support her.  A little time before her second Tapping, she added with great Reverence to the following effect —— Thou that art the God of my Life, Who has kept me, and fed me all my Life long, be now near and Support by thy Presence, and if it is Thy Will to put an end to my Being here, I Submit, be graciously pleased to give me Rest in Thy Mansion, with Thy Dear Son the Lamb Immaculate for ever and ever —— She often said she had nothing to Do, but to bear her Pain with patience, once in a great Extremity of Pain, she remarked that she had reasoned after this manner, Why am I so afflicted, and had received this answer in her Mind, My Beloved Son who never Offended me, drank of the Cup before Thee, and so (said she) I am helped along with one kind hint after another And she frequently expressed the Peace and Consolation she found in Those trying Moments, in having lived in the Fear of her Creator, a Night or two before her Departure, she said, she thought it easier for her to leave the World, than for those who had Children to leave.  His Intimate Friend replied, There were many That Loved her, she said, she did not know but it was so, and that Love would be Consummated hereafter —— Towards the Conclusion, she said, with great Tenderness of Spirit, That she Thought she was going, and added, I would not have you troubled ——It is to Joy Unspeakable and full of Glory ————




To the Quarterly and Monthly Meeting of Women Friends at Burlington and Chesterfield

Dearly Beloved Friends

In the fresh Remembrance of the many Seasons of Divine Favour we have been made Partakers of together in these Meetings appointed for transacting the Affairs of the Church, does my Spirit Affectionately Salute the Living —— And not expecting to have the like Opportunity again, it rested with me to Visit you after this Manner, with fervent Desires for the Prosperity of Truth, and Righteousness in general, and in a particular Manner I have a Desire that our Sex may not fall short in living up to the faithful Performance of their Respective Duties, and discharging that Trust which the Lord hath committed unto them, honestly, as in His Light, and for this great-good End, I tenderly beseech all, both Elder and Younger, that have known, and may know the Masters Will concerning them that you may be Obedient.  Let not reasoning with Flesh and Blood or pleading Excuses because of unfitness, (as you may think) prevail, and bear with me, if I observe where that is the Case, dwarfishness and Weakness will be the consequence and the best Life is in Danger of being quite lost as it may with Sorrow be remark’d on some who profess with us, that a name to live and be accounted as wise Virgins has seemed to suffice, whose Case I have often lamented —— And it is the ardent Prayer of my Soul for such whilst I am penning this that they may awake to Righteousness, and diligently attend to the Teachings of the Spirit of the Lord who will not fail to fit and qualify for every good Word and Work, and Satisfied I am as that becomes The Principal Concern of Individuals the Cause of complaining of Misconduct would be much removed, And our Zion would more conspicuously Shine, and there would be none found within her Walls barren or unfruitful in The Saving Knowledge of God, but that the Antient Promise made to Israel will remain to be the Portion of His People forever —— That he would be as the Dew of Hermon, and as the Dew that descended upon the Mountains of Zion, for these the Lord commanded the Blessing, even Life for evermore Ps 133 Verse 3 — And my dear Young Friends, with Love unfeigned do I Affectionately Salute you, whose company in these Meetings I have been glad of, and I would encourage all who have a right to Membership, to the steady attendance of, and also to sit the Time of them out as often as you can while Health permits, we are by Nature very short sighted, and know not when the Times of Refreshment may come from the Presence of the Lord, and therefore it is good for all to endeavour patiently to wait and quietly to hope for his Salvation which I fully believe he is about to reveal in your Hearts, and if you are faithful to the Discoveries of Divine Grace your Understandings will be more and more opened in the Mysteries of Gods Kingdom, even that which was hid from Ages and Generations, and as the Apostle testifies is now revealed by the Spirit of the dear Son of God, our Holy Advocate with the Father —— I have hinted above and hope shall die in the Faith of it, that the Lord will form a People to Himself that shall shew forth his Praise, and will yet Beautify the House of his Glory, Under this Prospect my Spirit has been at Times deeply bowed in Intercession for the Descendants of faithful Friends, That they may not render themselves unworthy of so great a Mercy and other especial favours, that They are blest with beyond many, but that they may not only be the called, but the chosen of the Lord —— Now in a Degree of my Heavenly Fathers Love, do I affectionately bid you Farewel, desiring that Grace, mercy and Peace, may be Multiplied in and amongst you, and conclude your true Friend

                                                                Elizabeth Smith

Burlington 30th of 3rd month 1772


A Remarkable Vision

As I was going from Ireland in the 9th month 1727 The Vessel put into Harbour at Comb in Devonshire, where being detained by reason of contrary Winds, my Spirit was at Times deeply Baptized into a Weighty and solid Silence when the way of the Lord did open itself largely, and the Banner of Love was lifted up, and extended to the very Ends of the World, that was in me, whereby I was often brought into a Submissive and passive Resignation, in the time of my outward Confinement, which otherwise would have been hard to bear. —— And one Evening as we were going to Supper in our private lodging Room, it seemed as tho the Hand of the Lord was in some Measure upon me, and a great Weight seized upon my Spirit which brought me down into deep Silence, I gave over eating and settling into Silence, I was like carried in Spirit, as out of the Body, on into a forgetfulness of visible Things, and while I was in a Muse about this sudden Alteration I saw a thick Darkness arise as out of the Earth which came up and spread itself till I was wholly covered with it, it was very terrible and as the Horrors of Thick Darkness, which brought Pain and Bitterness, and I saw no way to flee from it, for it seemed to have no Bounds, and it looked as though it should have no end forever, nor ever be dispersed any more.  Then I found there was a Part in me that would have made its own way, and rushed hastily out of it, and from the Terror of it, for it was such as might be felt, and there was also something in me that inclined to Stillness, Resignation and patient Suffering, and I found that, that Part in me which would have thrust itself forth hastily was that which could not endure Suffering, nor keep the Word of Patience and I therefore feared it was not to be gratified.  I also found that, that which bended itself towards The suffering with patient Resignation look’d most likely to live Thro’ it, on that Thereby the most true Peace would be obtained by either living or dying with that Part, rather than with that which chose to live out of the Suffering, alth’o that was most easy and desirable to the Carnal Past, to which the Suffering appeared worse Than Death to the Body.  I then being given up to fall under the Suffering of every Appearance, my Spirit was as it were Baptized into the Death of that Darkness, the Pangs of which was upon me, and the Terror thereof stuck fast in me, till, all that which it could be a Suffering to was wholly Slain, and then was that part raised which it could not overcome, which Breathed and Cried with great Submission and secretly Groaned for Deliverance, longing for the end of the Affliction, and lifting up the Light of Gods Countenance Yet with great Patience in the main, only desiring the Lords Will to be done —— Now whilst I was looking to see what would be the End of all this, I saw There was a Motion in the Darkness, and it seemed to pass away Swiftly, yet it came up as fast as it passed away, and no Light appeared for a long Season, until it wasted in the thickness thereof and became more clear when the Day dawned and the Sun arose, and the joy of Gods Salvation witnessed, and I began to say the Lord shall lighten my Darkness, and they that have sat in it have seen a great Light, therefore shall my Soul rejoice in him, but whilst I was setting myself in order for Gladness, as it were in a Moment I saw a little Cloud arising which put me to Silence, and it spread and covered and Death was in it, and my Spirit was plunged as before, and at its first Appearance and for a great while it looked as much unlikely that I should ever be delivered the which did cut off the life of the Expectation of the Flesh, and that only seemed to remain that could endure to be Baptized the full Time in the Cloud, and great was the proving which the clouds would seem to disperse, and then again return in such Manner as exceeded Description, Until the Time of Deliverance came, and the Light was seen, which Chased away the Clouds, and the Sun again arose, and although I was Joyful, yet feared to utter any thing in my Heart, for I was afraid I should be plunged again, yet was my Heart enlarged, and I felt of the healing Virtue that comes from the King of the Sun of Righteousness, and it looked to me that the Lord would mightily cover the Hearts of his People that were willing to be Baptized into a Death to self in all its Dresses, and put upon them the Glorious Robes of Righteousness ever upon them that are humbled under his mighty Hand —— But whilst I thus rejoiced in my Spirit in Secret, it was as if the Earth was lifted up out of its place, or that I was let down into it, and wholly Captivated by it, and by being at Enmity with it, the Suffering of it was great, and the Weight of it was upon me, and so continued, that I cried in my Spirit, saying, the Earth with its lands are about me forever, and I am brought down to the bottom of the Mountain, Thus were my Sufferings again repeated and I was as Tho I was ground to Powder, yet was there something that could endure and abide the same, and as I Endeavoured to keep to That I found There was a Life that was hid with it, in which was the Hope and Knowledge of the Life of the Redeemer, that should stand at last upon the Earth, thus being helped to endure with Patience I found some Respite, altho it seemed several times to be removing, and then to return again as heavy as ever, so that when it seemed to remove, I gave up to expect its return again if the Lord pleased, and in some Time it being totally removed, my Spirit was set at Liberty, and I said, I will sing of Thy Mercies, and Thy Judgments, and of Thy Redeeming Power who hast Redeemed me from the Earth that I might inherit all Things, and by Thy Mighty Arm is the overcoming known for what reason I was so often proved with so many various Appearances I cannot tell, unless They should have relation to the many and various Afflictions and Temptations and provings that had to that Day at Times attended me, and were likely still to attend, and to give one to understand that let the Afflictions and Provings have either this or the other Appearance, yet it should have the like Effect, and the same Arm be looked to, and the same Deliverance wrought by it for the same End, that the deeply proved might see that in Six Troubles, or in the Seventh The Lord is not weary of restoring the Joy of his Salvation to the full Redemption of the Soul, and Glory and Renown of him that is the Captain of our Salvation and also to keep us humble after the Time of Deliverance and of great Enjoyments and Enlargements and our Minds steadily fix’d on that which prepares for another Storm, and to give Wisdom to treasure up the Heavenly Treasure in Meekness and fear —— Now whilst I was thus set at Liberty from the Earth I saw a very great Pit opened before me some Distance off from where I stood, and the place where I stood was a level place like the Sea Shore but lower for a great way over than the other Ground which was on each side and I heard a rushing like the rushing of many Waters the which I saw was a mighty Stream coming against me, and I was again afraid, and as at the first, so now in every Trial, I found there was a Part for fleeing, and a Part that was for enduring every presented Trial, and good was that Hand which inclined me to make choice of Suffering, so I stood still, and the Mighty Waves ran over my Head and flowed exceeding fiercely, so that I could not stand upon my Feet, but was turned over and over towards the Pit, into which the Water ran with violent force, and I was turned over to the Mouth of the Pit which had no Bottom, and seemed as tho, if I was once more turned over, I should go down into the Bottomless Pit and rise not more, and the Waters were a very great weight over my Head, then did I as at other Times find that which secretly breathed and in great Submission and Calmness pleaded for Preservation and Deliverance in due Time yet with that Voice that is not known nor heard in the Streets, enters that Ear that is not dull of hearing, and being kept in patient Resignation and settled to the enduring the full Measure of this Trial.  I saw that the Waters abated again, many times, and the Time came that they wholly abated.  And the Sun in its Brightness, and the Earth was revived and covered with Greenness, and my Heart rejoiced, altho my Exercise under this Trial was very great, and this great Perplexity was like dividing between Joints and Marrow, or Soul and Spirit, these Things were like Wormwood and Gall my Soul has them still in Remembrance, and my Spirit is humbled within me I observed that in every Trial there was a danger of losing a steady standing in that which is able to bring to a good ending and come up in Victory, yet being thus far preserved, I remembered what David said concerning the Noise of the Water Spouts, and of the Billows that ran over his Head —— Thus was my Soul confirmed and there was Joy in Suffering —— I could well remember what the Good Man said count if all joy when you fall into divers Temptations, and also when he said, That Afflictions Yielded the peaceable Fruits of Righteousness, yet would I have had those Things to have sufficed, and was ready to say with the Israelites, Oh, let there be no more mighty Thundering nor Rain when they desired Samuel to Pray for them But I was afraid to ask any thing, and indeed I could ask nothing neither could I will any thing but with Resignation —— It was not long before I saw the head of something that I thought must be like the head of a whale, the Eyes of it were like Fire, and it opened its Mouth and the look thereof was terrible, the Jaws and Teeth were as Iron, and the Throat was an open Sepulchre, the Head was like a great Mountain, and seemed to have power to draw People to itself with great Force, and he devoured Men, then I thought his Jaws are certainly the Jaws of Death, and those that are Devoured by him go down into the Belly of Hell, whilst I looked I found I was drawn nearer to it with great Violence And I was amazed and in great fear, yet there was a Past that had Hope in that which Death could have no Dominion over, and having seen of the wonders of the Delivering Arm, my Soul did a little rest in that Hope, and gave up in Resignation, tho indeed the Sight was terrible and the Thoughts of what might be in the End would have been more terrible had not the Lord let me see before of his Wonders, and made me willing to be as Clay in his Hand to be wrought upon by Life or Death which he pleased, thus being swallowed up in Death & ground as it were in pieces, and brought as into great dissolution I remembered many Things that were encouraging and believed I should yet see the Lord in the Land of the living, and if not I would trust in him —— Then I found that if I would make a Covenant with Death, and be at unity with it, it would be at peace with me, and would not be terrible to me, but if not, I was threatned that both Death and Hell should rise up against me, I never should be delivered and found that Death did not appear so to them that made an agreement with him but had quite a contrary Appearance, and they had great Liberty, and went whither they pleased, and was guarded by him for a Time, but my Mind was steadily fixed in the enmity of the need not to join with him, and great were the pangs of Death and Terror of Hell.  The Flames whereof were round about me, yet could not consume any thing but that Part that could not endure the Suffering —— yet that was with me that Death could have no Dominion over, nor the Flames kindle upon, to which my Heart was inclined to Enter & keep, and therefore could not at that Time perish, and I remembered how some spoke of being in the Belly of Hell, and brought from the lowest Hell, and walked through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, and that the way to Heaven was by the Gates of Hell, and the Way to Life through Death, and in the Lead did my Spirit secretly breathe and groan for Deliverance which came in an unexpected Time, and my Wounds were healed and my Spirit did again rejoice in him that never fails Them That give up their Lives to Death, even that Life that is to be slain, now whilst I still looked and was concerned to think where these things would End, I saw a very great City that was seated as upon a High Mountain, which Mountain seemed higher than all others and a Part of it extended to the End of the Earth, and I was brought into it, and then was a seeming Rejoicing and singing Melodiously, and a Mounting upwards and soaring aloft as above the Skies, and there seemed to be some that could go beyond the Compass of the Earth, and fetch some things from Land to land, and from Sea to Sea without any Obstruction, and there was nothing that ever I knew of Good but here was the likeness of it seeming in a larger Manner than I had known it, and it was said to me, This is the Place of Thy Rest after much Toil and Labour and to confirm the Truth of it there was many Witnesses, but my Heart was deeply Afflicted, and I could not believe the Report and I said, Oh, that I was brought out of this Place for this is the Deceiver that rules here in the deceit.  This is not the true Rest, this is not the Place which the Lord doth choose This is not the Mountain he builds his House upon, this is not the true Righteousness, the true Liberty, the True Singing, nor the right Melody, and I mourned Excedingly, and was greatly oppressed, and wanted much to be delivered, and many Times thought, this is the worst Trial I have met with, and began to say in myself, why am I thus tried, and when shall I be Delivered, I can take no Rest here, for I found there was no Bottom, no Ballance nor Bounds like that of the Glorious Liberty of the Saints, that is not in the feeling Part.  Therefore I remained immovable in my Resolutions which enraged them against me, and they buffetted me, devided and Disdained me, even Those that had appeared my Friends, and threatened that I never should have any Rest if I would not take that for one, at which Time I seemed to be left alone to my Choice, which was a Discouragement and I could not see as to any outward Appearance but it might prove so, as they said, yet came to this Conclusion, that I would not take that for a Rest, tho I was as a Fugitive and Vagabond in the sight of all Men —— So after some time of Apprehension it was given me to see that this was the Kingdom of the God of this World, the City of the Prince of the Power of the Air and Habitation of the great Transformer who transforms himself into an Angel of Light.  And I was brought forth and Delivered and my feet were set in a fruitful Valley, where was a Heavenly Calmness, and the Silence of all Flesh, and then I saw indeed a high Mountain, which was very Beautiful from the Top to the Bottom, and I saw the ransomed ones that had gone through many Tribulations, and were Redeemed from the Earth go forward swiftly to ascend the Mountain, and they went without weariness with great rejoicing, and I thought those were them that had kept the Word of Patience to the End and they came to the Height of the Top of the Mountain and sang the new Song of the Redeemed, and mightily did they Praise the King of Kings, and there was a Shouting for Joy that the Valley did ring with the Sound thereof, and my Heart also, for it was much affected with the Joy of Gods Salvation, yet there was Heaviness underneath because I was left in the Valley, and no Way made for my going forward, and there was a fear in me least I was forgotten and an Outcast for none seemed to regard me now whilst I stood Musing.  I saw in the Valley many pieces of old rotten Timbers which lay scattered abroad and looked like some old Groundsill of a Building that was rotten in the Ground, some great and some small Pieces but so rotten as tho they would moulder away with touching or removing, and as I looked and pondered in my Mind what these should be, there came a Man up to me and told me that one of these rotten Pieces resembled myself, and that they all resembled one Person or another, the which Relation very much surprised me and I feared what the End should be, for I thought they were good for nothing and useless, and my Heart was Sorrowful with exceeding great sorrow.  Then I heard a Voice from the Top of the Mountain, saying to the Man that spake with me, Take that rotten Wood and tie it together in Bundle and cast it into the Hole at the Bottom of the Mountain, and I saw him tie them up and looked to see where he threw them, and it was in a dark Place where there was no Light at all, and he came away and left them there which added to my Affliction ——    but whilst I was Mourning another came to me to bring me up to the Top of the Mountain and I was led up by him, and I saw and heard great Things which were declared to the Praise of Him that had gathered many to Himself, and of his Marvellous Works and Redeeming Power, and my Heart was opened and enlarged with great Joy, yet kept down in fear for I knew I must go down again, altho many that were there were to abide there forever ———    Now when the Time came that I was to go down again I thought in my Mind, Oh, that the same Hand that brought me up here would go down with me that I might go down safely, and Steadily and be rightly fixed in my Mind, and it was so, that he who Guided me up came down with me and left me standing in the Valley  But I soon forgot my Joy with the Remembrance of the Rotten Timber, yet dare not say any Thing, nor ask any Questions, while I mused about them, I heard a Voice saying to the Man in the Valley, Bring the bundles of rotten wood out of the Hole in the Mountain, and spread them in the Valley, and so he did, and then I feared again with great Fear and thought in my Mind this is in order to dry them for the Fire that they may be Burned, so I staid there with them in much Affliction, but after some space of Time, I saw that out of the Middle of every Piece both great and small there was a Springing up something very Green, and as I looked with great Earnestness I saw it did still shoot forth and seemed to be something very large, and I remember the Fashion of it still, my Heart did leap for Joy, and I began to hope that there was yet Ground for Hope, and I perceived they grew mightily so that they became Trees of Stature very Beautiful and Excellent -  The Bodies of the Trees were Straight, the Branches thick and compacted together in very comely Order.  Then I heard one speaking to the Man with a loud Voice saying take them Trees and bear them hence and plant them in my Holy Mountain. There shall they be planted, and none shall ever pluck them up again, Neither shall any Devourer or hurtful Thing come near them, for the Lord will keep them and Watch over them.  I will water them every Moment and they shall be called Trees of Righteousness and they shall be Established for ever, for no Destroyer nor Beast of Prey that is in the ravenous Nature shall ever come nearing Holy Mountain, Yet the Lion shall lay down with the Lamb — and after many more Expressions relating to the setting forth the Excellency of the Holy Mountain and the Safety that was there, My Spirit was filled with Consolation and Encouragement, and in Stillness was brought to the Remembrance of myself and was ready to conclude all which I had seen might be called a Vision in which was set forth deep Dippings and Plungings and Exercises and Provings of various sorts and kinds that I then had past thro, and had still to meet withal in this troublesome Pilgrimage, for the wearing out and slaying that corrupt Past that is not in Unity with the Cross, and is at Enmity with the Line of Judgment, and for Trial of that Faith that worketh Patience and passive Resignation, and for settling down the Spirit into a Fellowship and oneness with the Seed Incorruptible in and by which there is a breathing and earnest crying and Wrestling for that which alone can Work Deliverance, it being that by which we cry Abba Father, And Blessed Forever be his Name, and highly Magnified be his Power that is with his People in Sin Troubles, and will not leave them in the Seventh Faith, Lo I am with you to the end of the World —— After this it was in my Mind to pen the foregoing down in Characters for my own reading, and it was written in Fear, for I dare not lay any Stress upon any Thing of the Good that was therein shewed to me, any further than it might be some Encouragement when I was ready to faint to Trust in the Lord that can keep in all Afflictions, and administers a suitable Supply in all our various Trials, but I could not have any Freedom to lay these things open to any, knowing I am yet in much Danger and that the good End is obtained by Nothing but by Perseverance in keeping to the good Hand yet am desirous The Lord may preserve me with all Lions Travellers everywhere to that End that Crowns all ——— In the year 1729 it was often in my Mind to write this out in plain Hand, Thinking it might possibly either in the whole, or some Part thereof be some small Encouragement to some or other poor Baptized Traveller, when I might be removed —— I wrote it out and leave it thus for them that are skilled in reading the Book of the Inward Law, not desiring any should ever read it but such whose Minds have been deeply exercised thereby ——————




Being at a Yearly Meeting in the year 1725 not at London, but a City in the Southern Part of England, the Meetings were large and there were Many that Appeared in Publick that were Persons of Note some coming from far, and other that lived near the said Meeting, yet it so fell out that it was my Lot to pass thro great Suffering, feeling and seeing as I counted I had Reason to believe, a Spirit gone forth and bearing Rule which beguiled and bewitched almost in a general way the Inhabitants of many Parts of the World, and under a Sense thereof was my Spirit deeply Baptized, and as it were inclosed in the Exercise of it which was very heavy, yet I was at that Time favoured with a measure of Patience, altho the Body so far partook with the Sufferings of the Spirit, that I was thro Illness prevented from going to one of the Meetings, but being somewhat recovered, I was again present at the Afternoon Meeting, yet the Affliction continued, and the next Day I was at another Meeting, and sitting down in great Silence in order to feel, and see the opening Way, and that which reveals the Will and Mystery of the great opener, which leads into the Way of our present Duty and concern, & as it were fell into a forgetfulness of my present Outward Being, and it was to me as if I was in the high Street of a very great City, into which there were many large Streets opened, in the Middle thereof was erected a high Place, and about the Middle of the top of it there was a high Seat which looked very Stately  The Streets were wide, and the Buildings Spacious, and the City was walled within with very high Walls, and there were spread out many Flags of Different Colours and there were many who stood upon the Walls, and in this Stately Seat in the Middle of the Top of the high Place there stood a Woman in Sumptuous Attire, and Multitudes of People were gathered together, but my Spirit was Afflicted and I waited and wanted to feel the Lord near to lift up His Antient Standard in my Spirit which is the Shadow of a mighty Rock in a weary Land, But instead thereof There was a rushing Noise of a forward empty Sound, and much of that Nature came rushing in upon me which was not like what I had been sometimes Acquainted with in my Silent Meeting, Then I said in my Heart, I will wait for the coming of him whom I look for, and let these Rushings go where they will, I will not entertain Them, for sometimes they have presented, and not meeting with Entertainment have passed away and he who doth my soul good has appeared, so I regarded them not, but looked according to my Measure of Understanding for the coming of the Minister of the Sanctuary, yet at that time I was not favoured with the Knowledge of his Company, but rushing Noises prevailed, and there was a great Shouting amongst the People, and crying out that the Lord was come and set up his Throne amongst them, and brought them to Mount Zion, the Mountain of His Holiness, and there was Musick and Dancing and great Rejoicing, as tho it was before the Lord, and like Davids singing upon the Harp and ten stringed Instruments, and while I looked to see if there was any thing in it, I saw and heard the painted Harlot was prophesying from the High Place, and gave the People the Cup of her Witchcraft, and they were drunk with it, and some lay wallowing in their Vomit, and many cried out who is like unto her for Beauty, and wisdom, and They Shouted at the Sound of her Voice, and Drank of the Cup of her Fornication, and many reeled to and fro with Drunkenness, and others being elevated with the Wine of the Cup (the which they called the Wine of the Kingdom, tho I saw it was only the Wine of the Cup of her Fornication)  There stood Shouting upon the Walls, that the Sound of Babylons Tune might reach as it were to the Ends of the World, Now I ran to and fro to see if I could not find some way to make an Escape for I found as I thought I had to believe that the Lord was no more there Than he was in Sodom and Egypt when he was Crucified There, and They looked on me and saw I did not fall in with Them, and were angry and thrust against me, and struck at me with great Violence, and Disdained me one to another, and those that lay Wallowing in the mire of Their Filthiness they groaned and bellowed something against me like Drunken Men, yet it was not so hard to me to bear that as to bear the enchanting Sound of the Harlots Voice, and I could see no way to escape, till by getting very Deep in my Spirit near the Wall of her city, I found there was a Way to get through by Undermining her Strong Wall, and being got through I found the Descent was very great, for the City was built upon a high Mountain, and it was with much difficulty I got into the Valley, and then I saw what Danger those were in that continued there, and how hard it was for them to be persuaded to be willing to endeavour to make an Escape, my Spirit rejoiced in that I was so far set at Liberty, yet the enchanting Sound followed me, by reason of the Shouting out of the City, and from the Walls the Sound thereof reached far, I therefore still fled by the Way of the Valley, where I saw walking alone Him that is called the Man of Sorrow, walking in great  Solitude, passing further away from the great City, and my Heart was affected with his Appearance, and I stood still till he was passed out of Sight, for I was bound into Stillness, and then again I fled for my Life, because of the enchanting Sound, till I came at the foot of the Mountain, that looked desolate and Part of the Top of it seemed stubbed up and broken down, and there was no trodden Path, but it was all overgrown with Shrubs as tho no Foot had trod upon it either of Man or Beast and I climbed up to the Top of it, yet the Sound of the Shouting from this great City came thither, and I was forced to go down the other Side, where was a Place of Refuge, towards or near the Bottom thereof a hiding Place where my Soul was covered, hid and Defended from the Enchantment of the Enchanters and then I remembered there was no Enchantment nor Divination to prevail against Jacob in his Tent, and I concluded in my Mind it was well for them whose God is the Lord, and did not make Flesh their Arm, but did diligently seek, and cry to Him for Preservation and depend upon him alone, I was also Satisfied in my Mind that tho I was there alone, yet some there were who had made the like Escape, and some that yet remained under Suffering, longing for Salvation to be fully revealed, and to be Redeemed, and brought dearly and fully forth out of all that which the Deceit lies in which genders to Bondage and betrays, and draws the Soul from the pure Simplicity of Truth as it is in Jesus the alone Author of our Salvation and some there are that being ignorant and hearing they know not what, and being indifferent whether they know or not, they come to be hardened in Ignorance and Stupidity, and are neither one thing or another, lukewarm and careless, and not willing to be stirred up, and some others for want of seeking the Lord for Instruction and Wisdom to be rightly ordered by him and led into the Way of Their Duty, were hasty in rushing into something according to the forward Conceivings of their own Minds, and by a greedy feeding and swallowing down all that comes next to hand without waiting or Considering so as to know whence it comes or who prepares it, they come to be overcharged and Surfeited with Unwholsome Food, the which has occasioned the Death of many, and it is still likely to occasion the Death of more, unless they come to a speedy returning to the Physician of Value, the which is to be feared of some, they not being willing to come so far as to see into their Sickness and their Wounds, and some that are made to see, will choose to flee for help where none is, even where it may be healed slightly —— Then it come into my Mind concerning the Inhabitants of that City where my lot was then cast, which was cause of Lamentation, that many were deceived and they loved to be so ———



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