Some of the last Expressions, and dying Sayings of

                           Hannah Hill Junior ~ ——

On the twenty third Day of the fifth Month 1714 being the Sixth Day of the Week, this dear Child was seized with a violent Fever and Flu, which is increased upon her, by the third Day of the Week following that both herself, and others present, expected she would then have departed.  But the Lord was pleased to Continue her a little longer, to testify of his Goodness, for the Encouragement of the Living, at this Time, she was in a deep Travail of Spirit concerning her future State, and divers Times crying out, would say, am I prepared, am I prepared, adding, Oh! that I might Dye the Death of the Righteous, and be Numbered with them at Thy Right Hand — Oh! Almighty God, prepare me, prepare me for Thy Kingdom of Glory Then she earnestly intreated those that stood about her, to help with their Prayers, that her Passage might be made easy —— A Friend present (being moved thereto, and Sympathizing with her Afflictions) kneeled down to Prayer, during which (notwithstanding her extreme Pain, she lay still with great Attention) and lifting up of Hands and Eyes, a little after she said Father I shall dye, and am now very willing, and being Admonished, without Fear or doubting, to rely on Gods Mercy, whose Love to innocent Children was so exceeding great, that Christ had bid them come unto him, and that she should freely forgive all injuries done to her offences against him, and freely receive her in Mercy, to which she replied, I do freely forgive all, and have nothing in my Heart but Love to both White and Black.  But Father (said she) will every Body forgive me ~  It was answered yes, doubtless, every one will readily forgive Thee.  Then she desired her Father and Mother to forgive her Offences against them, and having their Answer she seemed to rejoice and be well satisfied. — After some Pause she said, O! most Glorious God, now give me Patience. I beseech thee, with Humility to bear what it shall please Thee to lay upon thy poor Afflicted Hand Maiden —— After this she entirely made Death her Choice, and would oft say, I had rather Dye, and go to God, than to continue in this World of Trouble, adding, when will the Messenger come?  Oh hasten thy Messenger — Then turning to her Father, she said, Oh’ that I could launch away like a Boat that Sails; so would I go to my Dear Brother, who is gone to Heaven before me.  Desiring the Bystanders not to grieve, because (said she) I am but going to a better Place —~ Doctor Owen, who was one of her Physicians, after all their Hopes of her Recovery failed, came to visit her, she prayed him to set down by her, and said, my dear Doctor, all the Town knows that thou art a good Doctor; but I knew from the Beginning that I should Dye, and that all your Endeavours would signify Nothing.  But Doctor, (added she with a Pleasant Air) the Lord has hitherto given me Patience And I still pray to him for more, that I may be enabled to hold out to the End, for my Extremity of Body is very great — She was very importunate in requesting her Parents freely to give her up to the Will of God, saying, it would be better both for them and her, so to do, and when she thought to have prevailed, now, (said she) I am easy in Mind. — Then asked her Father for a piece of Silver (which he gave her) and after she had held it and looked at it a little while, returned it to him again, Saying, now I give it to Thee freely, for it was mine, because Thou gavest it to me, thereby intimating herself Gods Gift to Them, and setting an Example, for their Resigning her to him again Chearfully, When they would seem to Encourage her, with Hopes of Recovery, she made light of it, saying, why is there so much to do about me, who am but poor Dust and Ashes.  We are all but as Clay, and must Dye.  I am going now.  Another Next Day, and so one after another,, the Whole World passes away — One taking leave of her, said, I intend to see you again to Morrow, to which she sharply replied, Thou mayst see me, but I shall scarcely see thee any more, Tho’ I’ll not be positive, Gods Will be done, she would divers Times, say, to her dear Mother, art thou sorry I am going to my dear Brother?  And to others about her, why are you troubled and weep, seeing I am but going to a better Place?  Adding, Oh! That the Messenger would come, that my Glass was run — Turning her Eyes and Discourse to Hannah Carpenter (who came to visit her) she said, my Namesake, I am going to my Dear Uncle (meaning her Husband Samuel Carpenter) who is gone to Heaven before me.  Another Time she said, dear Frances, I am coming to be with thee, meaning her School Mistress Frances Janney Deceased, another Time, Thomas Chalkley being present, she said, Oh! my dear Martha (meaning his Wife deceased) how do I long to be with Thee?  She would be oft speaking of her Funeral, and desired that Friends and others might generally be Invited to her Burial, and mentioned Divers Persons particularly by Name, that were Non-residents, and some Strangers that had lately come into the Country, least they should be omitted —— At a Certain Time, near the Medium of her six Days most violent Extremity of Pain (for so long was she accounted Dying, or at least more than once each Day had the Symptoms of Death strongly upon her) with a Sorrowful Countenance, and very Mournful Voice she said, O, my Dear Mother, I fear the Lord is displeased with me again.  One Answered, dear Child, why shouldst thou entertain such Thoughts ~ because (said she) I am continued thus long, to endure this Extremity of Body, which none knows but myself, nor can any think how great my Pains are —— Her Afflicted Mother being sore Distressed to see her languishing Child lie thus without help, (and willing to try the Effect of a Dose of Medicine which the Doctors had before prepared) prevailed with her to take the same, but it immediately came up again, at which her Mother, in an Extacy of Sorrow, said, My dear Child, I am in a great Strait, What shall I do for Thee, to which she in a Solemn Manner replied, my dear Mother, if thou desires it, I’ll take another Dose. —~ Not long after, it pleased the Lord in his tender Mercy to this dear Soul, to remove her Doubt, (as appeared) for, said she, Father, I think the Lord has shewed me that I do not bear all this for myself only,, hath he not. ~ added she, to which one Answered, it might be so, ah’ replied she, he has, glory to his Infinite Name, for he is better than Kings, Queens, or Governors, and There is Nothing can be compared to him. ~ As her Mind was fully bent Heavenward, so she would often Speak, with earnest Desires of drawing to a Conclusion here — and giving some Directions about her Interment, desiring that she might be neat, and decently laid out, and said she, I shall go clean to God, for no unclean Thing can enter his Kingdom — Prayed her Father to provide a Horse, least her Mother should not be able to go to the Burying Ground, desired her Mother to take her Breast smelling Bottle, and have a Chair brought to the Grave least she should faint There —— The Seventh Day before her Departure (after Inquerying what Day it was) she said, I long for first Day — One replied, Why, seeing all days are alike to God?  I know that, said she, but my fervent Desire is, to be gathered into the Heavenly Church — Then turning to her Father, said, If I dye to Day, let me be carried to the Meeting House to Morrow —— When first Day came she asked if her Mother intended to go to the Meeting who answered, no, she could not leave her dear Child in that Condition.  Then (says she) let my Cousins go, for it may be the Lord will be displeased, if all the Family stay at Home, adding, not to look upon one another but to wait upon God.  Then with much Thankfulness she expressed the great Satisfaction and Comfort she had enjoyed by the Publick Testimonies of Friends, and called those that Travelled amongst us, of late, in that Service, to wit, Thomas Wilson and James Dickinson & Gods Messengers sent from far to visit and Warn us ~     She would repeatedly say she was freely Resigned and willing to submit to the Will of God, whether in Life or Death, and was frequent in Prayer and Supplication to the Almighty, not only on her own Behalf but a real Concern was upon her, for the Welfare of others.  Still humbly beseeching the Lord to grant her Patience, and that he would be pleased, with an Eye of Pity and Compassion, to look down upon the poor bowed down ones, and on her his Afflicted Servant, O’ my Good God, said she, comfort the Mourners in Zion, and support their drooping Heads, be pleased to provide for the Widows and Fatherless, and be thou both Husband and Father to them ~ These were her frequent and repeated Cries unto the Lord, and indeed it was Astonishing (in one of her Years) to see and hear how Powerfully she was drawn forth, at Times on various Subjects, for the Space of a Quarter of an Hour, together, to wit, that God in Mercy would, yet more abundantly Shower down his Blessings on Philadelphia, and the Inhabitants of these Parts of the World, the Restoration of her beloved Aunt Preston from her long continued and present Indisposition, earnestly desiring the Lord to accept her Life, and spare her dear Aunt, who was, and might be so eminently serviceable in the Church, a like Concern came upon her expressly to pray for her Uncle Lloyd and his Family, at London, and with great Fervency of Spirit, did she beseech the Lord very particularly in Behalf of her Honoured Mother, that he would be pleased to continue her, and turning to her, said, O my Dear Mother, dont grieve so for me.  God will Bless my Father, then turning to him, said, my dear Father, Comfort, Comfort my dear Mother, and the Lord will comfort thee at another Time she prayed, earnestly to the Lord of the Harvest (in Regard it was very great, and the Labourers but few) that he would be pleased to raise up and send forth, many more Faithful Labourers into the Harvest — She was divers Times concerned to Supplicate the Lord for living Water, Oh! said she, that it might Spring up in me to Eternal Life (Alluding to our Saviours Discourse with the Woman of Samaria at Jacobs Well)  Amplifying, and very suitably Applying the List — In the Time of Health she greatly delighted to Read, had a good Memory and was Conversant in the Holy Scriptures beyond most of her Age — After drawing to a Conclusion of her aforesaid Prayer she asked some present, if they had ever tasted of this Water of Life ~ who Answered Yes, ah replied she and so do I, Glory be given to thy most Excellent Name, O’ My God, not long before her Departure, she said, Father, the Lord hath assured me I shall be happy, it was answered, that is comfortable indeed, tis better than a thousand Witnesses, ay, replied she This is Matter of Joy and Rejoicing can my Soul say by living Experience — After she had laid still some Time, one offered the Cup to drink, but she put it by, saying, not that Drink, tis the Divine Spring of Life, in myself, I long after, and that I might Neither Thirst nor need to drink any more of this.  She desired to see John Wright (a Friend in the Ministry, who upon Notice thereof, came to visit her) she asked him how he did, and how his dear Wife did, and Children, told him she was glad to see him, and that her Heart was filled with Love to him, and them.  She was very Respectful to all that came to see her, and gratefully Acknowledged the kindness of all those that were any Ways aiding about her, Thanked even the Servants of the House, for the Services done her, and desired the Lord would Bless them that had been helpful, as she said, to poor helpless Hannah — she very Respectfully Thanked Mary Dickinson for her kindness, and said, she had been as a Mother to her in this Sickness, and duly Acknowledged Sarah Rolfe and Anne Browns good Will in their Neighbourly Visits to her.  To some she gave small Tokens of her Love, and desired her Parents to do Something further of that kind to such Particulars whom she Named to them in Remembrance of her— The Counsel she gave to her dear and only Sister and her Cousin Lloyd Zachary, whom she dearly Loved, was very grave and pithy, at the Time when she took her final Leave of them, viz, My Dear Sister my Desires are, that thou mayst fear God, be dutiful to thy Parents, love Truth, keep to Meetings, and be an Example of Plainness ~ And dear Cousin, be a good Boy, observe thy Uncle and Aunts Advice, and the Lord will Bless thee and they will regard thee as their own, and do for thee, will ye not (says she) Father and Mother, and Continued, but it is better to have Treasure in Heaven where neither, Moths, Rust, or Thieves can destroy, She had indeed an admirable Fluency of pertinent Expressions suitable to the Subject Matter, which pressed upon her Mind, for which she was often thankful to the Lord, that he had not only enlarged her Heart in Prayer, but had also hitherto enabled her to utter those Things that lay as a Concern upon her Mind to deliver ~  A little before her Departure (finding a shortness of Breath, and greater Difficulty of Speech her Spirits being very much exhausted) she desired her Father and Mothers Assistance, on her Failure to express the Things which they conceived to be upon her Mind, as doubtless finding it her Duty to declare what she did, tho with great Difficulty, for she was in all other Respects a very sparing of Speech during the whole Time of her illness. — About an Hour before her Decease, being in a Slumber she said, the Fire would not cease burning, until all the Chaff was consumed, though Men strive never so much to Quench it — Then desired the Watchers care of her Sister, least she should take cold, took some Drink at her Mothers Hand, and said, Now my Dear Mother, pray lay thy Head close to mine, and pressed hers towards her Mothers Bosom, which Sufficiently betokened the Strength of her Affection and Duty to continue, even beyond Expressions of Words  Then she Recommended her Spirit to God, saying Glory, Glory, Glory, and so as with the sound of a Hymn, this innocent Lamb closed her Eyes, and Expired as one fallen into a sweet Sleep, without Groan or Sigh — She Departed this life the second Day of the Sixth Month 1714 being the Second Day of the Week about two o Clock in the Morning — And being herself translated from this Life to that which is Eternal, in the Heavenly Mansions of Rest and Peace with God her Maker & Redeemer hath left these fruits of Love, and good will to her dear Relations, tender Companions, and Young People, for whose Sakes chiefly it is made publick as a genuine Collection from those who were most constantly present with this Noble Spirited, Valiant little Maid during the Time of her Sickness until Death, by one whose humble Prayer to the Lord is That it may have the Blessed Effect, of exciting Children to Remember their Creator in the Days of their Youth, and to live answerable to his Holy Will, that so they may be Eternally Happy, and God over all may Everlastingly be Glorified in the Young and rising Generations, World without End — Amen ——

                Postscript ———

Since the Decease of this dear Child Hannah Hill it is evident that she had a Sense of her Approaching Death, for some considerable Time before she was seized, and would be often speaking of it to divers of the Family (as they now declare) and in particular to her most intimate Associate and Cousin Elizabeth Norris, to whom she also divulged the Matter with such solid Assurance as broke them both into great Tenderness. — When being at the Burial of a Relation she told her said Cousin, the next Burial She would be at, should be hers, which did indeed happen Accordingly, whereby it appears, this innocent Soul was preserved near unto the Lord in Spirit, who had thus highly favoured her with this Secret ~ And the Sense that was given her of our Friend John Lowdons Decease is very remarkable Viz. being asleep in Bed the Night before his Departure, she suddenly broke forth into an Exstacy of Sorrow, with weeping, and sighing, which very much surprised her Father and Mother (who lodged in the same Room) They spake tenderly to her, and Queried, what was the Matter ~ she replied Oh! I Dreamed my dear Friend John Lowdon was dying.  They endeavoured to pacify her, and divert her thoughts, saying it was but a Dream and that they hoped to see him to morrow, but she continued under the same Exercise, beyond what is Common.  She said John Lowdon being then twelve miles distant, where he had Appointed a Meeting at Abington, and preached the Day before at German Town, about Six Miles off, so that there was then no Tidings of his Indisposition, he being taken ill in the Aforesaid Meeting died the next Day following — And when the Account of his Death came, she was most sorrowfully Affected, and earnestly desired the Corps might be brought to their House and buried in Town ————— 

The Substance of a Letter from HH to Eliz Norris 

Dear Cousin

                The Burial of our Worthy Friend John Lowdon, was performed in the most solemn Manner, the Corps being Carried from our House first to the Meeting, which was very large, and from thence to the Grave where many expressed their Sorrow for the Churches Loss.  But it must needs be his exceeding Gain, who expressly said a few Minutes before his Departure, he had done his Days Work in his Day, and that he laid down his Head in Peace with God, and in Unity with his People.  Which that thee and I may do is the earnest desire of thy Affectionate Loving Cousin

                        H Hill Jun ———————



Griffith Owen his Testimony ———

The Lord God hath been pleased, in his great Love and Favour, to give a Gift or Manifestation of his Holy Spirit Light and Grace of his Dear Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Sons and Daughters of Men, to shew unto Them the way to Eternal Happiness, and to direct them, and help them to walk in it. — And altho’ it is Universally extended to all, yet it is only those who give up their Hearts in Thankful Reverence to obey and follow the Manifestations and Requirings of it, that have found favour with God, and those he has raised up and Established, by the Power and Spirit of his dear Son, to be good living and bright Examples to the Children of Men, in their Generations Patterns of Righteousness, Meekness, Humility, Self- Denial, Patience, Temperance, Godliness, Brotherly Kindness, and Charity — which are the fruits of the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus, which appeared and Shined forth, through them to the World. — And some hath the Lord been pleased to make willing to give up their Hearts to obey and follow the Discoveries and leadings of this precious Gift — and to take Pleasure in the Fruits and Way thereof, in their early Years which the Lord did adorn with the Beauty of Holiness and made to Shine as Sights to the World — And among these or in this Calender may be Recorded Young and Innocent Hannah Hill, Daughter to Richard Hill and to Hannah his Wife of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, considering how she spent the short Time the Lord was pleased to give her in this World. — Her Meek and Godly Behaviour from a Child since she had any knowledge of Good and Evil, her Dutifulness to her Parents, her Love and Good Will to all but especially to those who Walked in Obedience to the Truth. — I knew her from a Child, and I never beheld any Airy, light, or Indecent Carriage, Behaviours or Expressions from her, but Attended with much Gravity, Modesty, Meekness and Plainness — I was several Times with her, on her Death Bed, and was much tendered and Comforted, in the Sense of the Love and Power of God, that attended her, in which and by which, she uttered many Wise, Heavenly, and excellent Expressions, beyond what could be expected from one of her Age.  Some of Them are set down, as in the foregoing may be read, I was made to say, it is the Lords doings and it is Marvellous in my Eyes. — These things are Published, not thinking that anything that can be Written or spoken by any Man or Woman whatsoever can add any thing to the State or Condition of the Deceased whom the Lord (I believe) hath taken to himself from the Troubles of this World, to rest and dwell in the Mansions of Glory forever and ever, but for the Sake of the Living who are yet upon the Stage of this World, and especially our young People, for whom my secret Cries and Prayers go often up to the Lord that he would be pleased to work upon their Hearts, as he did upon the Heart of this Maiden, a Willingness to leave off; and forsake the Vanities, Follies, Pride, High mindedness, and the many Evils which by Nature They are inclined to, and bring them to live a Godly Life, Innocent and Righteous Conversation, that the Work of Regeneration may clearly appear in all Their Actions and Behaviour — that those who may Converse with them, and behold Their good Works, (Coupled with the Fear of God) may be made to Acknowledge, that they are the Seed, whom the Lord hath Blessed ~ These are the present Prayers of him who Sincerely desires the Prosperity and Welfare of all People, that they may come to die unto Sin, and to live unto Righteousness, the way to Eternal Happiness ~~~~~~~~~————~

   Griffith Owen ——


Thomas Chalkley, his Testimony ~~

There is something in my Mind to write in Memory of that dear innocent Soul Hannah Hill, who Departed this Life about the eleventh Year of her Age, in Peace with God, and in great Love and Unity with his People, and in much Assurance of his own Eternal Happiness.  I was well Acquainted with this tender Young Maiden, for several years before she died, and I took good Notice of her Conversation, and the more by how much it was bright and Shining in that which is Commendable in Youth, oh (saith my Soul) That the Youth of our Age, and this City might follow her Example ~ She was a Pattern of Piety, Plainness, and Obedience to Parents, and of a Womanly and obliging Temper unto all. ~ It was my Lot, (for which I have many Times been truly Thankful) to be for some Months a Cohabiter in the Family, and I observed that she was always very Dutiful to her Parents, loving to her Friends and neighbours and kind to the Servants, both white and Black ~ I have seen some Children very rude and imperious to their Parents Negroes, but I observed the contrary in her, and doubtless, it is a great and crying Sin, in either Old or Young to abuse poor Slaves.  I also observed, that many Times when other Children would be at Play in the Streets (the which our Youth are much addicted to in this City and too much winked at by their Parents) she would be either at her Book, or her Needle, at both which she was very dexterous, and it rather seemed a Delight to her Than a Burden, she could write well, and would Indite Letters that were full of Intelligence, her Conversation that way was verily desirable.  She had an Extraordinary Gift in reading of the Holy Scriptures, and other good Books in which she took much Delight, and if any Friend gave her a Book, she would not seem to be Satisfied until she had read it through and would Sometimes get some of it by Heart. ~ May the Minds of Young People, be stirred up, by her Example, to put the same in Practice, is my hearty Desire. ~ This Testimony I am constrained to give Concerning her, that she lived, and died beloved, and her loss lamented by all that knew her.  The great Virtue I must not omit Mentioning, which would be very becoming in Christians of riper Years.  She would often Sympathize with those that were in Affliction, or under Exercise, of which my poor self was a feeling Witness, for when I buried my loving and beloved Wife, after I came home from the Burial, she came to me and took me by the Hand with both hers, and leaned her head upon my Side, in much Tenderness of Spirit, which greatly Affected my Heart at that Time, to consider that her Years were so green, and her Soul so ripe, she being then about nine Years of Age.  And the Sorrow of my Mind at that Time as well as now, causeth my Heart to affect my Eyes.  Oh! may I meet with them in Gods Time, in his Eternal Rest and Glorious Kingdom, to which I doubt not but that those dear Souls are Ascended.  I made a Visit to this dear Young Woman the Day before she Died, and she looked upon me, and Remembering my Wife (whom she loved dearly) I am going to her, said she, and to my Brother, another dear Soul, who a little before he Died, being about four years of Age, said, he should have a Golden Chair in Heaven, and That he would take Wings and fly thither ~~ And may all who cast their Eyes on these Lines Say, with the Man of God of Old, Oh, that I had Wings like a Dove, then would I fly away and be at Rest — Even so come sweet Lord Jesus prayeth thy Servant —

                                                        Thomas Chalkley



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