January 3, 1934

Robert and Lucy farewell meal yesterday noon. Madlin's simple little lunch turned out to be a house-cleaning, and a nicely served and bounteous dinner; a most enjoyable affair from start to finish. Our guests were in their prime, and the hostess did herself proud. Much discussion over the location of the gift table: dining room affords ample space to spread out, but is too public; children's play room has advantage of easy heating, incentive for youngster's pride in pop's companionship, and isolation after bed time, but too great a temptation for inquisitive youth to delve where delving is a sin of large dimensions; so looks as though the front bed room wins, although Madlin may regret her willingness to have her sleep disturbed. The text material for the course in Business Administration arrived in the middle of the visit, and comments of approbation ensued, and I think they were sincere. My first effort at study tonight was a failure, due to an overpowering desire for sleep. I shall have to devote myself rather exclusively to study this Winter, especially if I am successful in landing the teaching job at the night school. Organizing a course out of the blue sky will be a big order in itself, but it would be a relief to insure my insurance for another half year.

Completed cost analysis of family budget for 1933: the most significant fact is that we spent over $600 more than we earned, and that we face 1934 with practically empty coffers and prospects of the smallest income yet encountered. We shall feel our way, budget as we go, and avoid debt; and, what is probably most important, we shall endeavor to "keep sweet". Faith has won many battles and we may as well make full use of it.

Theoretical common sense and practical habit are for ever at odds. Witness fine old Dr. Ehinger, at seventy-five, hiking with his audubon club from Keokuk to the Warsaw brewery, and back. He seems much better after the attack that nearly finished him - he said "the old pump didn't know whether to keep going or not". There is one of those rare full, serene, useful, joy - and interest-spreading lives. Mrs. Ehinger is a fine stalwart oak too. So glad I've had a glimpse of them before they became too old to be out of character, although I suppose they are not apt to change much.

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