January 31, 1934
Last night I worked up a table to eliminate some routine computations
for the substation reports. The saving in time of the operators will amount
to possibly ten minutes a day; this in face of the fact that the operators
are occupied with their duties only about three hours out of the eight
on the job. All of which reminds me of an incident during the last straggling
days of the greater engineering department. It was proposed that a mechanical
eraser be purchased for a small sum, about five dollars I think, to facilitate
this dreary operation. The requistion passed all approvals until it reached
a well-known executive, who is noted for his operating economies rather
than his breadth of vision, and he sent it back with the terse note: Why
time which would otherwise be lost? That floored us, of course, and
since the pastime of flooring is a favorite diversion of the man in question,
he scored again and we continued with elbow grease. Now who was really
right? Should the improvement of intollerable originals be applicable to
present contingencies exclusively? I suppose my resentment is due to a
violation of an artistic sense (for want of a better word) which urges
me to improve on any crudity just for the sake of the improvement. In a
practical sense this should be kept well with reasonable bounds; but the
cultivation of the habit of improvement can very well be justified on the
basis of equipping oneself for the larger problems which eventually arrive.
This is my rebellion against the automatum complex which so many good men
eventually drift into. I have written this to get it out of my system,
and realize it will never do me any earthly good.
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