February 27, 1934

American didn't want Encouragers; so will give it a last try with Mercury. I see Menken has resigned the editorship: does that mean a change in policy?
Likewise Social-consciousness made a quick trip back from Review of Reviews, and is making a last stand with National Republic.

Thomas Nelson Page's "John Marvel Assistant" afforded a bit of relaxation. Was surprised at the author of "Old Dominion" for his advanced views on hyprocrisy in the social-climbing orthodox churches and the evils of machine politics. His plot involved too much coincidence and his heroes and villians were overdone, but as I said, it was refreshing for a change. This chance reading, which makes our browsing library so delightful to me, recalls Dr. Samuel Mitchell, gentleman of Virginia, and the Commencement address by Page. By the way, I wonder how polished Terry is surviving the onslaughts of retrenchment.

The help problem worked itself out without the expected ado. So a Helen now occupies the back room, and is Madlin's strong right arm and bottle washer. We had the unique experience of being investigated as to our suitability. This thoughtfulness on the part of her guardian saved us the necessity of inquiry on our part. So, for once, things are apparently working out as planned (knock wood), and we provide a home and a pittance for a high school girl in exchange for a willing and well-bred worker.

Dick has spent hours lately with a 10 cent ten pin game which has received little attention since Christmas. All he asks is a partner. He stands the pins up in every conceivable formation, crows with delight when they scatter, retrieves all balls, bounces up and down and back and forth with a light gracefulness that makes me think of Peter Pan, or some sprite. He hums, gurgles, comments with the utmost sophistication, and without rest till he drops.

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