Battalions and Line.
Edited By
John Blair Linn,
William H. Egle, M. D.
Volume I
Clarence M. Busch,
State Printer of Pennsylvania
(North Carolina State Library Raleigh)
For the history of this battalion reference is made to the preparatory note to Col. Miles’ regiment, having been connected in service, and subsequently consolidated with the battalions of that regiment in the “Penn’a State regiment of Foot.”
Atlee, Samuel J., appointed from Lancaster county, March 21, 1776; captured August 27, 1776; exchanged August 6, 1778. (Col. Atlee when only seventeen years of age, was commissioned lieutenant in the Augusta regiment, Col. Clapham, April 23, 1756. Served in the Forbes campaign, 1758. Commissioned captain on the 15th of April, 1760. He was elected to Congress in 1778, could not serve, however, until his release. He continued in Congress until October 28, 1782. In 1783 he was elected councillor for Lancaster county. In the Assembly in 1782, 1785, 1786. While in attendance at Philadelphia, November 25, 1786, was seized with a paroxysm of laughing, ruptured a blood vessel, and expired soon afterwards. He is buried in Christ Church, Philadelphia, near the door.
Lieutenant Colonel.
Parry, Caleb, appointed March 3, 1776; killed in the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776; he left a widow, Elizabeth Parry, sister of John Jacobs, Esq., Speaker of the Penn’a Assembly, and of Mrs. David Rittenhouse.
Potts, James, commissioned April 6, 1776; resigned July 11, 1776.
Mentges, Francis, appointed March 22, 1776; promoted first lieutenant August 9, 1776; subsequently promoted lieutenant colonel, Fifth Penn’a.
Gray, Robert, promoted captain Penn’a State regiment.
Eicholtz, Jacob, from sergeant in Dehuff’s company.
Currie, William, commissioned April 6, 1776; resigned on account of ill health, September 27, 1776. (Dr. Currie removed from Chester to Philadelphia in 1792. Was a classical scholar, an erudite and experienced physician, and an extensive and successful practitioner. He published quite a number of medical works. “Historical Account of the Climate and Diseases of the United States, 1792,” etc. He died in Philadelphia, in 1829, see Hazard’s Register, vol. vi. 204.)
Surgeon’s Mate.
Standley, Valentine, from surgeon of ship Montgomery, July 31, 1776; for Surgeon Standley’s subsequent life, see Biddle’s Autobiography, page 153.
Anderson, Patrick, appointed from Chester county, March 15, 1776.
Patrick Anderson, son of James Anderson, A Scotchman, and Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Jerman, a noted Quaker preacher in the Chester Valley, was born July 24, 1719, in Chester county, Penn'a. He was educated at Philadelphia, and for sometime taught school, but subsequently located on his father's farm, about two miles from Valley Forge. He was in service during the French and Indian war; and at the commencement of the Revolution was a member of the Chester county committee. In March, 1776, he was commissioned captain in the musketry battalion, and his services in the war, were those connected therewith. He served as a member of the Assembly from 1778 to 1780. In 1781, he was appointed one of the board of commissioners in charge of the navigation of the Schuylkill. He was thrice married, and left a large family. He died in March, 1793. His son Isaac, who was an officer of the militia in the Revolution, was a presidental elector in the Monroe campaign, and a member of Congress from 1803 to 1807.
Davis, John, appointed March 19, 1776.
Kirk, John, appointed March 20, 1776.
Davis, Septimus, August 9, 1776; captured August 27, 1776; exchanged
December 9, 1776, for ensign McLeod; removed to Kentucky after the war.
Beaton, Philip, missing since August 27, 1776.
Miller, Jacob.
Beaton, Daniel, died October 3, 1776.
Gratsinger, John.
McCord, Alexander.
Drum and Fife.
Bink, Robert.
Brown, William, enlisted at New London X Roads; resided in
Chester County, 1815.
Cain, Patrick.
Cook, Thomas.
Davis, Alexander.
Derling, William.
Devlin, Robert.
Dowlar, George.
Edgar, James.
Ferguson, Francis, missing since August 27, 1776.
Gibson, John.
Goodwin, Lawrence.
Grace, George.
Graham, Thomas.
Griffith, John, served one year and nine months; in 1778,
reënlisted in Fifth Penn'a, Capt. Ziegler's company.
Harper, James.
Harper, William, missing since August 27, 1776.
Healy, Martin.
Howell, James.
Humes, William.
James, Owen.
John, Philip.
Jones, William.
Madden, John, missing, since August 27, 1776.
McCormick, Henry.
McCormick, William, missing since August 27, 1776.
McCoy, James.
McDonald, John.
McGowan, Hector, missing since August 27, 1776.
McKee, William, enlisted at New London X Roads.
Miller, Matthew.
Moffit, William.
Moore, John, missing since August 27, 1776.
Nain, Benjamin, missing since August 27, 1776.
Nicholson, Andrew.
Noblet, Samuel.
Rigg, Eleazer.
Rigg, Hosea, missing since the battle at Long Island, August 27, 1776.
Shields, John.
Stewart, William, enlisted at New London X Roads.
Whealen, John.
Wood, Edward, missing since the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776.
Lloyd, Peter Z., appointed March 15, 1776; promoted brigade major to Gen. Ewing, August 11, 1776.
Lang, James, from ensign, July 15, 1776.
Lang, James, appointed March 19, 1776; promoted lieutenant.
Crofts, Benjamin, discharged for deafness, August 19, 1776.
Nemrick, William, wounded, and in hospital September 4, 1776.
Mooney, Patrick, from corporal, August 20, 1776.
Mooney, Patrick, promoted August 20, 1776.
Moore, Henry.
McCalla, Andrew, appointed August 20, 1776.
Drum Major.
Holloway, Isaac.
Graff, John.
Moore, Jesse, missing since August 27, 1776.
Bell, John.
Blackford, John.
Bradley, Michael, died October 1, 1776.
Carryl, Thomas.
Cleary, Michael, missing since August 27, 1776.
Derry, Michael, missing since August 27, 1776.
Evans, David.
Ffolk, Matthias, missing since August 27, 1776.
Gore, Robert.
Graham, Archibald, missing since August 27, 1776.
Harvey Samuel.
Hendry, John, died August 31, 1776.
Hidden, James, missing since August 27, 1776.
Kinen, Robert, missing since August 27, 1776.
Kingfield, Adam, missing since August 27, 1776.
Lisener, William.
McCalla, Andrew, promoted corporal August 20, 1776.
McClean, Hugh.
McCullough, Patrick, missing since August 27, 1776.
Moore, James, missing since August 27, 1776.
Murphy, Edward, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776.
Powell, William, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776.
Riddle, John.
Sharpless, James
Tyrer, James, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776.
Vernon, Robert.
Wallace, Richard, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776.
Watson, William, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776.
Williams, Robert.
Murray, Francis, appointed March 15, 1776, from Bucks county;
captured August 27, 1776; exchanged December 9, 1776,
for Capot. Anstruther; promoted major.
Garret, Morton, from first lieutenant of Capt. Nice's company
October 25, 1776; resigned February 12, 1777.
Finney, Walter, appointed March 20, 1776; captured August 27,
1776; promoted captain Sixth Penn'a, to rank from August 10, 1776.
Henderson, William, appointed March 20, 1776; captured August 27, 1776.
Cruly, John.
Dick, Thomas.
Lowry, Thomas.
Lucas, Samuel.
Drummer and Fifer.
Christie, Alexander.
Mitchel, William.
Atkinson, Joseph, missing since August 27, 1776.
Brogan, Michael.
Coffie, James.
Cowan, James.
Davis, James, missing since August 27, 1776.
Dilyel, William.
Dwyer, James.
Fenton, John, discharged October 4, 1776.
Fluke, John
Fullerton, Thomas, discharged, and reënlisted in Capt. Walter
Finney's company, Sixth Penn'a.
Gillaspy, William, missing since August 27, 1776.
Guthrie, John, missing since August 27, 1776.
Haines, John.
Harper, Samuel.
Johnson, David.
Johnson, George.
Kampton, William.
Knowles, Charles.
Logan, Thomas, missing since August 27, 1776.
Malseed, James
McClanagan, Hugh.
McConnel, Thomas, missing since August 27, 1776.
McEnrue, John, missing since August 27, 1776.
McEnulty, Neal.
McGinnes, Robert.
McGloglan, Charles.
McGuire, Patrick.
McMeans, Anthony.
Moody, John, missing since August 27, 1776.
Mullan, Patrick, missing since August 27, 1776.
Murfits, John.
Murfits, William.
Murray, Daniel.
O'Neal, Richard.
Owens, Simon.
Robinson, David, missing since August 27, 1776.
Short, William.
South, John, died October 1, 1776.
Todd, John.
Young, George.
Marshall, Abraham, appointed March 15, 1776, commission
dated April 6, 1776; resigned July 12, 1776.
McClellan, Joseph, appointed July 15, 1776; promoted captain
in the Ninth Penn'a.
McClellan, Joseph, appointed March 20, 1776; promoted July
15, 1776.
Ward, Bernard, appointed March 20, 1776; captured at Fort
Washington, November 16, 1776; exchanged January 20,
1779; supernumerary 1779.
Davis, Joseph appointed March 27, 1776. See Ninth Penn'a.
Mitchell, James, wounded August 27, 1776.
Fullerton, Patrick.
Regg, Thomas.
Moor, Joseph, killed August 27, 1776.
Drummer and Fifer.
Cooper, Hans.
Boose, Jacob.
Beard, James.
Bleakley, John.
Burnell, John.
Carson, John.
Colhoon, John, missing since August 27, 1776.
Colter, James.
Cross, Patrick.
Davis, William.
Divit, James.
Dixon, Richard.
Dunlap, Robert.
Elder, James, missing since August 27, 1776.
Fling, Isaac.
Fullerton, Nathaniel.
Gordon, John.
Hanover, Joseph.
Heavron, Hugh.
Jack, Andrew, of Sadsbury, Chester county, enlisted from
Capt. Wallis' company of militia at Fort Lee, in 1776; in
the battles of Trenton and Princeton; discharged at Valley
Forge; resided in Half Moon township, Centre county, in
Kenady, Michael, missing since August 27, 1776.
Laughlin, Waitman.
Lewis, Jehu.
Lewis, Thomas.
Lovegrove, William.
Love, Robert, missing since August 27, 1776.
McCarty, Justin, missing since August 27, 1776.
McCarty, Timothy.
McCay, Daniel.
McClure, James, missing since August 27, 1776.
McCord, Robert, died August 20, 1776.
McCormick, James.
McElroy, Adam.
McElroy, Daniel, missing since August 27, 1776.
McElvey, James, missing since August 27, 1776.
McIlvain, William, missing since August 27, 1776.
Miller, John.
Mitchel, Thomas, missing since August 27, 1776.
Moore, Thomas, wounded August 27, 1776.
Murray, William, wounded in the arm August 27, 1776;
servant to Joel Bailey, West Bradford, Chester county.
Noll, John.
O'Trail, Morris, missing since August 27, 1776.
Truste, George.
Waddle, George.
Ward, John.
(Raised in Leacock and Salisbury townships, Lancaster county.)Captain.
Herbert, Thomas, appointed March 15, 1776; captured August
27, 1776.
Caldwell, Robert, captured at Fort Washington; exchanged
January 20, 1779; appointed March, 1779, captain of the
marines, on board of ship General Greene.
Sutter, James, appointed March 28, 1776; promoted lieutenant
in command at Penn'a Salt Works, August 25, 1777.
Evans, William.
Cain, Hugh.
Colter, William.
Forbes, James.
Drummer and Fifer.
Thompson, John.
Royal, David.
Bacon, William.
Barry, Bartholomew.
Bennet, Isaac.
Blair, Samuel.
Bowen, Noah.
Carver, George.
Cook, John.
Crain, Eleazer, missing since August 27, 1776.
Dickson, William.
Dougherty, Anthony.
Eston, James.
Everhart, John, missing since August 27, 1776.
Gallagher, Patrick.
Gaughby, James, reënlisted in Thirteenth Penn'a.
Gerhart, Adam.
Gerhart, George.
Ingram, John, missing since August 27, 1776.
Kelly, Barney.
Ketz, Valentine.
Kryder, David.
Lyon, Robert.
Martin, Samuel.
McGahegan, Philip.
McLaughlin, Patrick.
Miller, Henry.
Moore, Hampton.
Nagle, Philip, enlisted in Philadelphia; reënlisted in Capt.
Gray's company; discharged at Annapolis; resided in
Guilford township, Franklin county, in 1819, aged sixty-seven.
O'Bryan, Sylvester.
Peelin, Kershaw.
Quindlen, John.
Ridge, George, missing since August 27, 1776.
Ryan, Andrew.
Sheets, Henry.
Terry, Daniel.
Wagoner, Bastian, missing since August 27, 1776.
Wagoner, Daniel.
Walker, Patrick.
Weaver, Michael, missing since the battle at Long Island,
August 27, 1776.
Wilson, Benjamin.
Yeagler, Henry.
(Raised in Lancaster county.)Captain.
Dehuff, Abraham, appointed March 15, 1776; taken prisoner at
Fort Washington, November 16, 1776; exchanged April 20, 1778.
Schaffner, Peter, appointed March 20, 1776.
Mentges, Francis (supernumerary).
App, Michael, appointed March 20, 1776; taken prisoner August
27, 1776; exchanged December 9, 1776, for Ensign Thomas.
Eicholtz, Jocob, of Lancaster, Penn'a, sergeant and quartermaster,
wounded in the groin with a musket ball; pensioned March 5, 1804.
Druchenbrod, Andrew.
Schaffner, George, promoted ensign August 29, 1776.
Kuntz, Christian.
Forey, Martin.
Becker, Philip.
Remly, John.
Wial, Daniel.
Melenor, Frederick.
Appley, John.
Arter, Peter.
Ass, David.
Baylor, John.
Becker, Philip.
Balsback, Andrew.
Brand, Daniel.
Brumguard, Peter.
Canger, Daniel.
Decker, Jeremiah, discharged August, 1776.
Drimlee (or Remley), John.
Eicholtz, George.
Eringer, Daniel.
Eirich, Andrew.
Epplie, John.
Fox, Adam.
Franciscus, Jacob.
Frey, Martin.
Fultz, George.
Gighmiller, Frederick.
Harmonlee, Henry.
Hermantie, Henry.
Hartaffell, Frederick.
Hock, Henry.
Hollenbach, Melchior.
Keller, Frederick.
Kelly, Timothy.
Koch, Ludwick.
Kuntz, Christian, promoted corporal.
Layman, Andrew.
Layman, Henry.
Lindensmith, Jacob.
Loy, Michaael, missing since August 27, 1776.
Marks, Jacob, missing since August 27, 1776.
Mentzer, Christian, missing since August 27, 1776.
Messersmith, Peter.
Minaugh, Philip.
Mulvaney, Patrick, missing since August 27, 1776.
Musketmuze, John.
Musketmuze, Adam.
Nogel, Joseph.
Oswald, John.
Powel, Adam.
Quast, John.
Quirk, Gilbert.
Raimly, John, promoted corporal.
Row, Adam, deserted August, 1776.
Sekmiller, Frederick.
Siemor, Joseph
Shaffer, George.
Sheafer, Michael.
Shrot, Samuel.
Stevenson, Joseph.
Stineheuser, Christopher.
Sullivan, Thomas, enlisted one year and nine months; wounded
in the left leg at Fort Washington; reënlisted at Mud Island,
under Capt. Clark; resided near Shippensburg, Penn'a, in 1821.
Unrough, George.
Wentzel, John.
Wile, Peter, missing since August 27, 1776.
Wilie, Frederick.
Wilson, John.
Wiseman, Godlip, missing since August 27, 1776.
Nice, John, appointed March 15, 1776; captured August 27, 1776;
exchanged December 9, 1776, for Capt. Gordon.
Garret, Morton, appointed March 20, 1776; promoted captain
of Francis Murray's company.
Valentine, Henry, appointed March 20, 1776; resigned October 10, 1776.
Whitehead, James, promoted ensign August 29, 1776.
Roberts, Richard
Williams, William.
Felty, Ernest.
Hall, Joseph.
Marks, John.
Adams, Matthias.
Ballmor, Jacob.
Barnhouse, Edward, missing since August 27, 1776.
Baxter, Edward, missing since August 27, 1776.
Cain, Michael.
Cowen, Charles.
Davis, David.
Denormandie, Andrew.
Domiller, Michael, missing since August 27, 1776.
Fensoy, Michael.
Fisher, George.
Fisher, Richard.
Flint, William.
Gee, John , missing since August 27, 1776.
Grover, Henry.
Harrold, James.
Harrington, Thomas.
Harvey, David.
Hill, Alexander.
Huston, John, missing since August 27, 1776.
Jardin, Thomas.
Jones, Robert, missing since August 27, 1776.
Justice, Edward, missing since August 27, 1776.
Krible, Christopher.
Lauganbah, Yost.
Lloyd, John.
Mecarty, William.
Motzell, John.
Myers, Jacob, reënlisted in Second Penn'a.
Pugh, John.
Robenson, Richard, missing since August 27, 1776.
Sidney, Ezekiel.
Smith, William, discharged September 22, 1776.
Snoble, John.
Spelesey, Michael.
Steward, Alexander.
Stucke, Michael, missing since August 27, 1776.
Watts, Daniel.
Wood, John.
Yarnall, Joshua.
Howell, Joseph, Jr., appointed March 15, 1776; captured August
27, 1776; exchanged December 9, 1776, for Capt. Livingston.
Capt. Howell was subsequently paymaster general U. S. Army.
Weidman, Matthias, appointed March 20, 1776; captured November
16, 1776; exchanged August 26, 1778.
Huston, Alexander, Jr., appointed March 20, 1776; captured
August 27, 1776; exchanged December 9, 1776, for ensign
Saunders of the Twenty-ninth; promoted Lieut.; killed at
Brandywine, September 11, 1777.
Warner, William.
Seamell, John.
Reese, Daniel.
Cooper, Roger.
Grose, Conrad.
Hart, George.
Baker, William.
Bennet, Zebedee.
Bradley, John.
Brown, John.
Carmodey, Michael, missing since August 27, 1776.
Creely, Daniel.
Dimer, Casper.
Elton, Peter.
Ervine, John, lost in battle.
Gallager, James, missing since August 27, 1776.
Gilkey, John, missing since August 27, 1776.
Groves, William.
Hearn, John.
Holm, Jacob.
Houson, John.
Jones, William, missing since August 27, 1776.
Johnston, William.
Junkins, Joseph.
Kelly, James.
Knowland, Miles.
Low, Thomas.
McCoy, Michael.
McGee, Thomas.
McGrogan, William.
McMonnagel, William, missing since August 27, 1776.
Nagington, Robert.
Olleman, Frederick.
Paulfrier, George.
Pool, John.
Price, John.
Quin, Edward.
Sanderson, Edward.
Shehen, Patrick.
Smith, Joseph.
Sorg, Michael.
Tweedy, William, missing since August 27, 1776.
Wilks, Timothy.
Wise, Edward.
Worms, Peter.
List of Privates of Col. Miles' and Atlee's Battalion, exchanged
December 9, 1776.Barclay, Hugh.
Brooks, Cornelius.
Carothers, Robert.
Clurey, Michael.
Coleman, William.
Derry, Michael.
Dixson, Samuel.
Dugan, James.
Elliot, John.
Erb, Lawrence.
Gallagher, James.
Gordon, John.
Hodge, John.
McCurdy, William.
McCoy, Daniel.
McElney, John.
McElvain, William.
McMichael, Christopher.
McVay, Patrick.
Moody, John.
Mulvany, Patrick.
Noland, Miles.
Ocker, Caleb.
Pettigrew, James.
Pettigrew, William.
Toomy, John.
Wallace, Richard.
The Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, and the Pennsylvania Battalion of Musketry, were embodied strictly for the defense of the Province of Pennsylvania, by the prudent foresight of its House of Representatives, at the suggestion of the Committee of Safety.
Among the minutes of the latter of the 20th of February, 1776, appears, inter alia –
“The committee taking into consideration what further measures are necessary for the defense of this Province, came to the following resolution.
“That application be made to the Honorable, the House of Representatives, praying that they will take order for the raising of two thousand men to act in the defense of this Province, and this Board will represent it as their opinion, that it will be most for the public service, that one battalion of regular troops be formed out of that number, and the remainder be a body of riflemen.”
The House acted promptly in considering the matter, and on the 4th of March appointed a committee to prepare an estimate of the expense of levying a body of fifteen hundred men, victualing and paying them for one year.
On the 5th of March, the committee, Col. Miles being one, reported a carefully detailed estimate, which amounted to $172,772, £64,789 10s. Penna’ currency.
On the same day, the House resolved to levy and to take into pay fifteen hundred men, officers included; and that the men be enlisted to serve until the 1st day of January, 1778, subject to be discharged at any time, upon the advance of a month’s pay to each man.
On the 6th, they determined that one thousand of the levies should be riflemen, divided in two battalions of five hundred men each, the remaining to be a battalion of musketmen. The two rifle battalions to have one colonel; each battalion to consist of six companies, to be officered with one lieutenant colonel, one major, six captains, eighteen lieutenants, and to have twenty-four sergeants, six fifes, six drums, one adjutant, two surgeons, one quarter-master, each company to number seventy-two rank and file. The battalion of musketmen to consist of eight companies, officered by a colonel, lieutenant colonel, major, eight captains, eight lieutenants, eight ensigns, and to have sixteen sergeants, sixteen corporals, eight fifes, eight drums, one adjutant, two surgeons, and one quarter-master, each company to have fifty-two privates.
Capt. John Murray, of Paxtang township, Lancaster county (now Dauphin), was the first captain appointed on the 7th of March, followed by John Marshall, of the same county, on the same day. The other captains were appointed on the 9th, and the field officers on the 14th. Col. John Cadwalader was appointed colonel of the battalion of musketmen; but as under the arrangement of the House, he would be second colonel, he declined, and on the 21st Samuel Atlee, Esp., of Lancaster county, was appointed. A committee of the House reported the respective ranks of the line officers on the 28th of March. On the 5th of April, rules and regulations for the better government of the military associations in Pennsylvania were adopted, and the Speaker directed to sign the commissions, which were all dated on the 6th of April. Nearly the whole of the rifle regiment, according to Col. Miles’ statement, was raised in about six weeks, and rendezvoused at Marcus Hook.
On the 2d of July the regiment was ordered up to Philadelphia, and on the 4th, one battalion, under Lieut. Col. Brodhead, ordered to Bordentown, N. J., and on the 5th, the whole regiment marched for Trenton, whence it marched to Amboy, under orders to join General Mercer, which it accomplished on the 16th. Col. Atlee’s battalion arrived on the beach at Amboy on the 21st.
On the 24th, according to a general return, there were eight hundred and sixty-seven officers and men of the rifle regiment present; of the battalion of musketry, four hundred and six officers and men. Col. Miles was ordered over to New York on the 10th of August, and Col. Atlee on the 11th; on the 12th they were brigaded with Glover’s and Smallwood’s regiments, under the command of Brigadier Lord Sterling.
For the part taken by the three battalions reference is made to Cols. Miles and Atlee’s journals, Pennsylvania Archives, vol. i, 2d series, 512 et sequitur; Col. Brodhead’s letter, vol. v, 1st series, page 21.
The following characteristic letter of Capt. Casper Weitzel to his brother John, recently forwarded the editors from Virginia, furnishes some interesting points concerning this engagement:
NEW YORK, September 6, 1776.“Dear Brother: I would have written to you long before this time had anything worth communicating happened me or otherwise since my going into the army. Even now I scarcely know what to say to you, unless it would be to give you an account of the manner of living in the American Army; but that too seems so familiar to me now, that I think myself to have lived in the same way all my life, and imagine it repetition to relate anything concerning it. Amidst the marches and movements of the Army, and the attention I am obliged to pay to my company, I almost forget relatives, friends, former business; yet while I am writing I find myself a little uneasy when I think myself so far removed from home; the Lord only knows for what time. New York is like a wire mouse trap, easy to get in, but hard to get out. You no doubt before now have heard of the drubbing we Pennsylvanians, with the Delaware and Maryland Battalions, got on Long Island, on the 27th of August last; we were prettily taken in. The General Sullivan who commanded on Long Island, is much blamed. I saw nothing of him in the engagement or some days before. The little army we had on the Island, of about five thousand men, was surrounded by fifteen or twenty thousand of the English and Hessians when the engagement began; they gave us a good deal of trouble but we fought our way bravely through them. The number of English and Hessians killed is surprising great, and of ours very trifling; but they have taken about seven hundred of our people prisoners, and amongst them more officers than perhaps ever was known in the like number of men. My Lieut. Gray, Sergeant Gordon, Sergeant Price and sixteen privates are missing. I know of only one killed in my company. The poor fellow was wounded in the thigh, and unable to walk; his name is Speiss; the d—d savage Hessians and English Light Infantry, run their bayonets thro’ him, and two of Captain Albright’s men, who were also badly wounded, and murdered by them. I have this from one of my men who was a prisoner and escaped to me, and imagine the rest are prisoners. James Watt is among them. I came off with whole bones, contrary to my expectations; I was in so much danger that by escaping that, I think it was impossible for them to kill me. Many a brush we shall have yet before the campaign is over; we expect every day to have another clip. I wish you would endeavor to send such of my clothes as are worth wearing, my blanket and pillow, in my trunk to Lancaster, and let me know of it when you have sent it, that I may endeavor to have it brought from there to where I may be stationed. There are no clothes to be got here of any kind. I have lost all my shirts and stockings, except two shirts, and two pair of old stockings, what I shall do for more God knows. I have no hopes to get back to Pennsylvania until some time in January or February, unless hard weather and bad quarters kill me before that time. I ought to have written to Mr. Chambers particularly, but have not had time. As he has my papers, I hope he will do every thing he can towards having my business settled. I hear you are one the great men of the State of Pennsylvania. Can’t you give me a little lift some how or other if there is anything going. I need not give you an account of the officers missing in our regiment; no doubt you know of it before this time. I will mention some, Col. Miles, Col. Piper, two captains and fourteen Lieutenants, three of them killed.
Your faithful and affectionate
Brother, and humble servant,
In the action of the 27th of August, the rifle regiment and musketry battalion were so broken up that Gen. Washington ordered the three battalions to be considered as a regiment, under the command of Lieut. Col. Brodhead, until further orders.
On Thursday, September 19, “the three battalions mutinied, and appeared on the parade under arms. After this they deserted in parties with their arms, about two hundred men in the whole, fifty of whom are here now. The rest have taken other roads. Their complaints are want of pay, want of clothes, the want of blankets, the not receiving the particular species of rations. As to their pay, they had the whole to the 1st of August, and some have deserted immediately after having their full pay to the 1st of September. A very great cause of desertion is owing to the loss of their field officers. A party attempted to desert (about thirty) but were prevented by force. A coporal at their head, thrust with his bayonet at Lieut. Lang, which he parried, the corporal is in custody; the same corporal cocked his piece at Ensign Davis, and attempted to fire. One Kelly, of Capt. Brown’s company, and Sergeant Seamell, of Howell’s company, are principal ringleaders.” (Information received from Capt. Farmer, Capt. Erwin, Lieut. Lang, Lieut. Gourley.)
The following petition “of privates in Col. Miles’ and Atlee’s battalion returned from camp without leave,” without date, is probably referable to this period:
“To the Honourable the Committee of Safety of the Province of Pennsylvania:
“We your Petitioners, Soldiers enlisted for the Province of Pennsylvania, now returned from New York Government, being Willing & Desirous of Letting you Honours know the reason of our returning. Our Commanders told us, the subscribers, that if we went out of the Province that we should be used well, and return in six weeks from the time we left the Province. We were out of the Province upwards of Two Months and not used according to promise. We never had half of our Provisions Given us that was allowed to us by the Honourable the Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, nor never received any pay for the time we were out of the Province. We lost our Chief Commanders on Long Island, and not knowing who to apply to for Redress when out of the Province we returned to seek Redress, and hope you Honours will take it into your Consideration. Your Petitioners did not leave New York for Cowardice but for bad usage, and we are willing to fight to Defend the Province where we were Inlisted.
“Your Petitioners Humbly beg that you would take it into your Consideration.
“And your petitioners will ever pray.
John Brown Yost Stereger James Kelly Christopher Adam Robert Pelon Joseph Masser John Altstadt Jacob Bickel William Ward Henry Croan John Immedelberger Reese Jones Baltzer Wettstein Joshua Yarnall Nicholas Greenawalt Michael Rine William Perry Christian Rine Ezekiel Siddons Charles Cowen Valentine Liedy George Miller Simon Rufcorn Adam Hedrick Henry Featon Michael McKittrick Frederick Hill Andrew Linch George Brown Hugh Henry Philip Isenhower George Stump John Lloyd Tho Mahony David Davis Peter Brown Richard Fisher Jacob Shiply Arnst Felty John Peliet Yost Langinboch Thomas Fullam John Dougherty Jacob Snyder Richard Roberts Adam Rupert John Feussertt Lodwick Beltzhover William Welchhonse Michael Sorg Michael Burk John Brown John Gracely Joseph Smith Michael Fink Samuel Simon William Hollen Michael Letherman By a return, dated September 27, 1776, signed by Ennion Williams, major, the First battalion had, including field, nineteen officers, sixteen sergeants, three drummers, and one hundred and eighty-two rank and file; the second battalion had eighteen officers, thirteen sergeants, two drummers, two hundred and sixty-one rank and file; the musketry had eleven officers, seven sergeants, four drummers, and one hundred and forty-one rank and file. The three battalions were then in Gen. Miffin’s brigade, and stationed at Mount Washington.
On the 5th of October (see Col. Rec., vol. X, page 743), the Council of Safety determined that the three battalions should be arranged as follows: two were to be on the Continental establishment, and to serve during the war, the other to be retained in the service of the State until the 1st of January, 1778, unless sooner discharged, and to consist of ten companies of one hundred men each, officers included. This they intended ordering home as soon as the condition of the Continental army would admit of it, as they were by arrangement to keep twelve complete battalions in the Continental service. This regiment was thereafter known as “The Pennsylvania State Regiment of Foot.” For the arrangement of captains and subaltern officers for the battalion to be kept in pay of the State see Col. Rec., col. x, page 765.
On the 25th of October, they ordered the men in Capts. Farmer’s, John Murray’s, Anderson’s, Marshall’s, Albright’s, Dehuff’s and Christ’s companies to continue under the same captains; Spade’s company to be commanded by Capt. John McGowan, Francis Murray’s by Capt. Morton Garret, Richard Brown’s by Capt. James F. Moore, &c. (see Col. Rec., vol. X, page 766), and consolidated the companies of Long, Peebles, Weitzel, Erwin, Grubb, Lloyd, Herbert, Nice, Howell and McClellan with the former.
The remains of these battalions thus consolidated followed the fortunes of the Continental army. On the 16th of November part of the musketry battalion was in Fort Washington, and was captured, with the following officers, Capt. Dehuff, Lieuts. Caldwell, Ward and Weidman, and Ensign Whitehead. On the 22d it was in Hand’s brigade at head-quarters now New Brunswick. It was engaged in the capture of the Hessians at Trenton, 26th December, 1776; in the battle of Princeton January 3, 1777; lay part of the winter at Philadelphia, and moved down to Billingsport in March, 1777.