Gravel Driveway

He won't walk - Oct 1939

    Yes, the gravel was probably very hard on my knees.  I guess it didn't matter, as I have been told I was a late walker, and got around quite well on all fours.  As we look at the above picture, it is difficult to tell if the turn-around was there in the shade of our big beautiful trees.  Unique in the neighborhood, it allowed the car to C.J.Nixon delivering coal.exit in a forward motion and also provided a path for the coal truck to deliver it's load directly into the cellar window.  Check out the Model-A in the garage!

   Can anyone help with this? Was the driveway ever blacktopped?  Seems to me that may have happened once.  I do remember the addition of gravel from time to time.



Small villageThat gravel provided a great medium to create pretend villages and roads for the toy trucks and cars.  Many a summer day was devoted to this activity.

Tommie Harris and Pete

Chief Engineer

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