Boy Scout Camp
Camp Eastman is operated by the Southeast Iowa Council, Boy Scouts of America for the year- ‘round use of the Troops, Scouters and Scouts of the Council. Every boy has a burning desire for adventure and to meet this need and to teach boys self-reliance and resourcefulness, to enrich his friendships and experiences, is the purpose and goal of Camp Eastman.
During the summer camp season the Council provides a central camp staff. Troops from throughout the Council come to camp under their own leadership (preferably the Scoutmaster). Troops conduct their own program with the aid and help of this central staff of experts. The council annually budgets several thousands of dollars to maintain, quip and carry, overhead charges for the camp.
How to get there…
Camp Eastman is located 6 miles south of Nauvoo, Illinois, or 5 miles north of Hamilton, Illinois on Highway 96. Just turn in at the Camp sign.
Parents and friends are welcome and urged to come to camp on Sunday afternoon or Saturday afternoon. Bring a picnic lunch and stay for the campfire program.
Meals can be served to visitors in the dining hall only when room is available and upon advance reservation.
Mail is delivered daily, so have the folks (and girls) write:
Troop No.
Camp Eastman
Registrations for Camp Eastman are received only through the Troop. Notify your Scoutmaster immediately that you plan to go to camp. Your Scoutmaster and troop committee will then make a camp reservation for the troop. Reservations from your troop will be confirmed by May 15 with a $2.00 deposit from each scout.
You will be given your choice, as a Troop, of camp periods and of a Troop Campsite on a first come, first served basis. In so far as possible, each Troop will be assigned to their own, separate campsite.
There will be seven regular camp periods scheduled in June, July and August as follows:
First Period . . . . . . . . . .June 15-21
Second Period . . . . . . . . June 22-28
Third Period . . . . . . . . . June 29 – July 5
Fourth Period . . . . . . . . July 6 – 12
Fifth Period . . . . . . . . . . July 13 – 19
Sixth Period . . . . . . . . . . July 20 – 26
Seventh Period . . July 27 - August 2 (if required)Troops check into camp headquarters between 2 and 4 P.M. on Sunday, and may check out following campfire on Saturday evening. For those troops that wish to remain over until Sunday morning, arrangements will be made for the serving of breakfast at no extra cost and for church services at camp and in Nauvoo.
The camp fee for the entire week and 20 meals will be about $14.00 (Because of Council appropriation and leadership, this is less than one-half the actual cost of camp.) Scouts may wish to bring one or more dollars in addition for use at the Camp Trading Post.
A camp savings plan is available for use of all Scouts. Check with your Scoutmaster who has materials and full information on this plan.
WHAT TO BRING – Health History and Physical Examination, Scout Uniform (if you have one), extra trousers, shoes, shirts, underwear, pajamas, socks, handkerchiefs, soap, towels, wash cloths, poncho or raincoat, bathing suit, Scout Handbook, note book, sweater or coat, tooth brush and paste, three blankets or equivalent, pillow and flashlight.
Camera, fishing tackle, canteen, knife, compass, mosquito netting, camp gear, etc.
The camp program will include all of the features which previous campers are familiar with – swimming, rifle range, hiking, camp-craft, handicraft, nature study, games, songs, campfires, stunts, pioneering. Etc.
In Addition, there will be several added features:
Outpost Camp: For that second or first class Hike or Camp.
Boating and canoeing: A full-time trained waterfront leader to give instruction and program help.
Archery: An expanded program.
Bait Casting: An opportunity for everyone to learn bait casting. Recreation and special casting field.
Scoutcraft: A full line of equipment and leadership to make it possible for every Scout to advance up the ladder of Scouting.
Exploring: Special activities for Explorers – Mo-skeet shooting, river activities, etc.
A health history and physical examination is required of all campers and staff member before entry. Forms for this purpose will be sent to your Scoutmaster several weeks in advance of camp. A thorough check-up is made at camp by a physician on the afternoon of your arrival. The Boy Scouts of America make every effort to safeguard the standards of health and safety at camp through trained leadership, frequent check-ups and inspections.
Just ask one of last year’s campers.
Orval Nesbitt, Chmn. Camping and Activities
Robert “Bob” Kammerer Camp Director
Southeast Iowa Council, B.S.A. Burlington, Iowa
The Totin' Chip was one document issued at camp that was not taken lightly. A Scout was required to study Chapter 15 in the Handbook for Boys, then attend class at one of the various field station tents around the camp set up to instruct in the many aspects of scouting. Here hands-on demonstrations were given in proper handling of knives and axes. Here I learned the proper way to sharpen the edge, hold and carry and finally, pass the blades to one another. It was done the proper way or the Totin' Chip was not issued. Improper activities with blades at any time around camp was a sure way to loose the Chip. No Chip -- no knife or axe. The point was well made.
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