Father to Son, December 4, 1918

Dec 4, 1918

Dear John,

Your letter gives much food for thought which leads nowhere. So far as "M.M." is concerned, we will be delighted to have her with us for as long as she will stay, and Eleanor will also write her to that effect. As for you, I suppose the only thing to do is to "wait and see". If the DuPonts can not place you, of course you will come home and make a fresh start from this base, but I will be much surprised if they do not find use for you.

We have much to show you about Frances and will have more by the time you reach home but rest sure that all that brave and skillful men could do to rescue them was tried in vain and all that kind and living hearts could devise was done for their bodies by the good people at Juneau. Frances and Walter rest side by side there as they should, having both lived most useful lives, daring all sorts of dangers and hardships in the service of others. All the people at Juneau, from the Governer of Alaska down, unite in saying that no blame can attach to the Captain of the steamer. They were overtaken by a sudden blizzard of most unusual severity, even for that stormy coast, and the strength and skill of men were unable to conquer the fury of the elements.

The Government's action in mustering out the "S.A.T.C." will upset Joe's plans and I have not heared yet whether he will be able to remain at W & J" on the lines laid down in August before the "S.A.T.C" was heard of. So life is all mixed up for thousands of others beside you, but it will all work out somehow. Ted was down for Thanksgiving and we had dinner at Uncle Will's. We are all well. Arthur has established his family in a charming old house - with modern improvements and lot 60 x 140 - on Carpenter St., West of Wayne. Guil is scratching along just about keeping his head above water, but I hope and expect that the cost of living will now gradually drop and then he won't be quite so hard pushed. I am still plugging along with Taylor & Robey and hope to continue to do so until the end of the Chapter. I am sure that that will be the best for me. Your loving father G.A.W.

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