Aunt Frances Involves the Wells Family In A History Making Adventure
The following index will take the reader on a most interesting trip some 90 years back in time. New material has been uncovered and presented for the first time for your enlightenment and enjoyment.
Frances poses in her nurse uniform and Athabaskan winter clothing. Sub-Table of Contents
Letters printed in the WELLS ACCOUNT are noted: (WA)
Frances to John, December 14, 1915, (WA), Vol 2, Iss 3, pg 1
Frances to John, July 24, 1916, (WA), Vol 2, Iss 3, pg 2
Frances to John, November 16, 1916, (WA), Vol 2, Iss 3, pg 3
Frances to John, January 25, 1917, (WA), Vol 2, Iss 3, pg 3
Frances to John, February 23, 1917, (WA), Vol 2, Iss 3, pg 3
Frances to John, March 2, 1917, (WA), Vol 2, Iss 3, pg 5
Frances to Deaconess Mitchell, March 6, 1917, (WA), Vol 2, Iss 3, pg 5
Frances to John, April 27, 1917, (WA), Vol 2, Iss 3, pg 6
Frances to John, April 29, 1917, (WA), Vol 2, Iss 4, pg 1
Frances to John, May 11, 1917, (WA), Vol 2, Iss 4, pg 2
Frances to John, May 14, 1917, (WA), Vol 2, Iss 4, pg 2
Frances to John, June 6, 1917, (WA), Vol 2, Iss 4, pg 3
Frances to John, June 8, 1917, (WA), Vol 2, Iss 4, pg 4
July 15, 1917, Frances to John
July 15, 1917, Frances to All
September 28, 1917, Frances to John
April 30, 1918, Frances to Daddy (NEW)
May 27, 1918, Frances to Daddy (NEW)
Frances to Daddy, June 2, 1918, (WA), Vol 2, Iss 4, pg 4
September 28, 1918, Frances to Margaret O'Farrell
Eleanor to John, October 28, 1918, (WA), Vol 3, Iss 1, pg 3
Germantown, Pa. "Guide", November 2, 1918
George to John, November 2, 1918, (WA), Vol 3, Iss 1, pg 4
Uncle Will to John, November 8, 1918, (WA), Vol 3, Issue , pg 5
Aunt Jeannie to John, November 17, 1918, (WA), Vol 3, Iss 1, pg 5
Father to Son, December 4, 1918, (WA), Vol 3, Iss 1, pg 6
January 19, 1919, Margaret O'Farrell to Eleanor Wells
Headstone Inscription, Juneau
More about Walter Harper
Walter Visits Coney Island. (NEW) - New York Times - June 1, 1914. You may want to reduce this PDF to 75% for readability.
"The Sinking of the Princess Sophia": Taking the North down With Her, by Ken Coates and Bill Morrison. University of Alaska Press, 1956. Offering the reader an in-depth account of the events leading up to, and after the sinking of the Princess Sophia. (Available from (Netflix members can sign up for the 2003 "The Sinking of the Princess Sophia" documentary movie.)
Live the Spirit of Alaska as seen through the pen of a great adventurer. These three books also contain many references to Walter.
"Ten Thousand Miles With A Dog Sled: A Narrative of Winter Travel In Interior Alaska", by Hudson Stuck, DD, FRGS. 1914 Reprinted 1988. (Available from Review
"The Ascent of Denali: The 1913 Expedition That First Reached the Summit of Mt. McKinley", by Hudson Stuck.1914 Reprinted 1988 by Wolfe Publishing Co, Prescott, Arizona. (Available from Book Look). Review
"The Alaskan Missions of the Episcopal Church", By Hudson Stuck. 1920 (Found this original at Parmer Books). Review
"Doctor Hap", By Clara Heintz Burke. 1961. Coward-McCann, Inc. Review
"Hudson Stuck Of Texas and Alaska", By David M. Dean. 1988. Ohio University Press. Review
"DENALI - Deception, Defeat, & Triumph", By Various. 2002. The Mountaineers Books. Review