66. Robert WALN was born on 21 Mar 1720 in N. Liberties, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Born on the Waln plantation in 1720 or 21 He died on 18 Jul 1784 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Called the "Black Waln" on account of the color of his hair. Lived at "Waln Grove" near Frankford. Eminent figure in the social-business life of Philadelphia. Was said of him that no man was more active in his day in all that related to civic or national progress. The mode of life - extent of hospitality at "Waln Grove" was in keeping with the affluence of the family. It was truly an impressive sight to see the great family coach lumbering along the Frankford Road on its way to town. A coachman in purple livery in front by the long body swinging on it's leather straps. Footmen in purple standing on the footboard at the back.
He established the large and successful mercantile business later conducted by his son and nephew, Robert and Jesse Waln, and was the owner of quite a fleet of merchant vessels that carried his goods from foreign ports. He was a signer of the non-importation resolutions of 1765, which had so much influence in precipitating the Revolutionary struggle.He was married to Rebecca COFFIN about 1750.
67. Rebecca COFFIN died in 1799.
Children were:
i. Susanna WALN
ii. Richard WALN
iii. Ann WALN
iv. Rebecca WALN
v. Robert WALN Hon. was born on 22 Feb 1765 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He died on 25 Jan 1836. Attained the highest distinction of any of a family long distinguished in the annals of Philadelphia. He entered the counting house of his father at an early age, and after the latter's death was associated with his cousin, Jesse Waln, in carrying on the large importing business established by his father. Their business as importers and merchants was an extensive one, and ranked in prominence with that of Girard, Ridgway, Willing, and others, known as the most prominent merchants of Philadelphia in her days of mercantile supremacy. Robert Waln became, later in life, interested in various important business enterprises; in 1812 he erected a cotton factory at Trenton, New Jersey, one of the earliest in America, as well as one of the largest of its time; he was also actively interested in the iron industries in and about Phoenixville, Pennsylvania.
Robert Waln was one of the most active of the Philadelphians in the stirring period between 1790 and 1820, in formulating policies and carrying them into execution for the advancement of the interest of Philadelphia and the nation at large. We find him in attendance at many conferences at the old State House, the Coffee House and elsewhere, and serving upon various committees to carry out the resolves of these public conferences. He was for several terms a member of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, and in 1796 was nominated by the Federalist party for representative in the United States Congress, but was defeated, but being again nominated two years later was elected. He was later a member for several years of both branches of City Council and served as president of Select Council, 1816-19. He also filled, at various times, the positions of president of the chamber of Commerce, the Philadelphia Insurance Company, Mercantile Library Company, and Atlantic Insurance Company, and was a director of the Pennsylvania Hospital, the Bank of North America, the Philadelphia Library Company, and a number of other prominent institutions; and was trustee of the University of Pennsylvania, 1811, to his death in 1836, and a trustee under the will of Stephen Girard.
Had city residence on Second Street above Spruce, the site of "Shippen's Great House", and their summer residence at "Waln Grove," Frankford.
33 vi. Hannah WALN