10. Rev John Kemper MURPHY DD was born on 22 Oct 1827 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Little has been found about John Kemper Murphy's personal life. He was listed as a clergyman in the 1850 census in Moyamensing Ward 3, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.. He died on on Sunday, Oct 21, 1900, in Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the age of 72.
(The First Missionary Bishop in the United States was Jackson Kemper. He seems to be well known to the Episcopal church, with his priesthood beginning in 1814. Perhaps this is where John K. Murphy got his middle name?)
Ordered Deacon, 1849, Ordained Priest, 1852, by Bishop Alonzo Potter. Received the Degree, Doctor of Divinity in 1888, from University of Penna. Assistant at St. Luke's, Germantown, and St. Mark's, Philadelphia, 1849 - 1853. Rector, Calvary, Rockdale, 1853 - 1867. Rector, St. Michael's Germantown, 1868 for nearly 30 years. (provided by Office of Archivist PE Church, Austin TX 1993.)
Calvary Church, Rockdale, P.O. Box 452, Glen Riddle, PA 19037. 667 Mount Rd, Aston, Delaware County, PA. From Germantown, take US 1 southwest to Highway 452, south over creek. Turn right on Mount Road and left into the church grounds. Murphy plots are near the front door of the church on high ground.
St. Michael's Church, Germantown (admitted 1860). The Rev. J. Pinckney Hammond, in 1858, became rector of a newly-organized parish in Germantown, and the corner-stone of the Church of the Holy Cross was laid, addresses being made by Bishops Bowman and Doane. The erection of Calvary Church, in the same vicinity, led to the abandonment of the location, and Mr. Hammond organized St. Michael's Church. A beautiful little church was built on High Street, and opened on St. Michael's Day, 1859. It has always been conducted on the free church plan. The present rector, Rev. John K. Murphy, took charge in 1869. The parish has now a parsonage and a school building, and is quite successful. 1883, communicants, two hundred and eight; offerings, $4432.34. "History of Philadelphia 1609-1884" vol. II of III, by J. Thomas Scharf and Thompson Westcott, Philadelphia, LH Everts & Co, 1884. Three volume set at State Historical Society of Wisconsin - Madison. F158.3 S4 VII
He was a trustee of the Episcopal Academy, and a member of the Board of Managers of the Bishop White Prayer Book Society, and also of the Society for the Advancement of Christianity. During Mr. Murphy's rectorship there have been 972 baptisms, 372 confirmations, 210 marriages, and 620 funerals in the church. The offerings have been $215,853. JKM performed his last marriage Aug 1, 1900 and last baptism on Sept 23, 1900.
Christ & St. Michael's in Germantown merged parishes in 1933. Address is 29 West Tulpehocken St, Philadelphia. Ph: office 215-844-7274, rectory 843-2649. Rector, John G. Martin, Aug 12, 1993. St Michael's is now High Street Church of God and High Street Christian Academy. 222 E High. Phone: 215-438-1682.
Death was caused by general debility, after an illness of about two weeks. His health had been failing for some time, and, in consequence, early this year he placed his resignation in the hands of the vestry, which was accepted conditionally to take effect as soon as a successor was appointed. He was buried on 23 Oct 1900 at the Calvary Church, Rockdale, Delaware, Pennsylvania. (Extract) The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon. After a brief prayer at the house by the Rev. Dr. James De Wolf Perry, rector of Calvary Protestant Episcopal Church, a procession of clergymen was formed in the parish building, headed by Bishop Whitaker. Psalms were chanted by the choir and the lesson was read by the Rev. Dr. Yarnall. The remainder of the service was conducted by Bishop Whitaker, Dean Perry and Dr. Lamb. There was no address. After the ceremony the remains were taken to the family burial ground at Rockdale, Delaware county, where a brief private service was conducted by the Rev. Dr. Perry.
Death certificate lists cause of death as septicaemia (more commonly known as blood poisoning).
Tombstone Inscription: Rev John K. Murphy D. D.: Oct 23, 1827: Oct 21, 1900: (Side) Rector of Calvary Church: Rockdale: 1853 - 1868: (Other side) Rector of St Michael's Church: Germantown Phila: 1868 - 1900: (On Backside) "I believe in the life everlasting"
Pocket Watch Inscription: Rev John K Murphy DD, St. Michael's PE Church, Germantown Pa., January 1st, 1868-1893. (25 years). Robert Murphy Wells presently has possession of this watch.
He married Frances Paget Thompson. In this well preserved blue print photo they are seen walking along the side of the rectory which is next door to St. Michael's.
11. Frances Paget THOMPSON was born on 21 Oct 1828 in Ireland. 1870 and 1880 Census. 4 Herman St, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, vol. 72, ED 453, page 16.
Parents born in England according to 1880 Census. The 1920 census of her three daughters indicates mother was born in England.
Oct. 21, 1828 She was listed as communicant on 2 Feb, 1868 at St Michael's, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
She died on 13 Jun 1907 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She was buried at Calvary Church, Rockdale, Delaware, Pennsylvania.
Tombstone inscription: Frances Paget Thompson: Wife of: Rev. John K. Murphy D.D.: Oct. 21, 1828 - June 13, 1907.
No Obituary found in The Germantown Independent-Gazette.
Children were:
i. Harriet Smith MURPHY was born on 27 Mar 1856. She died on 10 Mar 1857. She was buried in Calvary Church, Rockdale, Delaware, Pennsylvania. Tombstone Inscription: Harriet Smith Murphy: Born March XXXVII: MDCCCLVI: Aged XI MOS and XI DS
ii. Mary Eleanor MURPHY was born on 29 Aug 1858 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
1880 Census.
She was confirmed on 3 Mar 1878 in St Michael's, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Listed as communicant.
Nicknamed "Dear Nan" by Eleanor Blackwood Graham.
Listed as Eleanor Murphy by Dorris E Wells.
Living at home, 4 Herman St, Germantown. (1880 Census)
The 1920 census shows the three sisters (Mary, Jeanne, and Elizabeth), all unmarried and no occupations, living at 417 High St. in Germantown.
She died on 8 Nov 1930. She was buried at Calvary Church, Rockdale, Delaware, Pennsylvania. Tombstone Inscription: Mary Eleanor: Murphy: Aug 29, 1858: Nov 8, 1930.
iii. Jeanne Breck MURPHY was born on 18 Feb 1860 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She was confirmed on 4 Apr 1874 in St Michael's, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Listed as communicant.
Listed as Jennie in census.
1880 Census, listed as Jane B. Occupation - teacher.
The 1920 census shows the three sisters (Mary, Jeanne, and Elizabeth), all unmarried and no occupations, living at 417 High St. in Germantown.She died on 15 Oct 1927 in Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She was buried at Calvary Church, Rockdale, Delaware, Pennsylvania. Tombstone inscription: Jeanne Breck: Murphy: Feb 18, 1860: Oct 15, 1927.
iv. George Hunter MURPHY was born on 31 Jul 1861 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He died on 31 May 1887.
He was buried at Calvary Church, Rockdale, Delaware, Pennsylvania. Tombstone Inscription: George Hunter Murphy: Born July XXXI: MDCCCLXI: Entered Into Rest: May XXXI: MDCCCLXXXVII: Blessed are the Pure in Heart.
v. William Thompson MURPHY was born about 1862 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
He was confirmed on 5 May 1877 in St Michael's, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Listed as communicant.
At school. Living at 4 Herman St.
He was married to Mary Trolten Warrington (Aunty Mae) on 21 May, 1892.
He died about Mar 1943.
President of Germantown Trust Company, S. E. Corner of Chelten and Germantown Avenues in Philadelphia about 1918.
vi. Elizabeth Beach MURPHY was born on 3 Feb 1864 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She died on 14 Jun 1924.
Listed in census as Bessie.
The 1920 census shows the three sisters (Mary, Jeanne, and Elizabeth), all unmarried and no occupations, living at 417 High St. in Germantown.
She was buried at Calvary Church, Rockdale, Delaware, Pennsylvania. Tombstone Inscription: Elizabeth Beach: Murphy: Feb 3, 1864: June 14, 1924.
5 vii. Margaretta Carter MURPHY