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June, 2007
The monthly meeting of the Golden Valley Men's Breakfast Club!
Thursday, June 14th. 8:00 am to 9:30 am, 410 Cafe,
Hwy 410 in Buckley. Come, celebrate Flag Day with us.Don't miss the Buckley Log Show on the 23rd and 24th. The parade steps off at 10 am on Saturday.
Traffic on the Buckley-Tapps came to a screeching halt for a minute on the afternoon of the 3rd. While three vehicles from Golden Valley waited, a mother duck did her classical 'walk the kids across the street' routine and disappeared with them into the cow pasture.
Although mentioning birthdays could open a can of worms, I am happy to share my day with another here in Golden Valley. Congrats to Art.
Some new discoveries came to light on the 19th during an impromptu walk to the River. The path has just been cleared and smoothed where weeds and other growth were threatening to close in. The walk is wide and comfortable once again.Down by the River the southern fork gives a suitable view upstream, but the central and northern forks of the path will need some clearing to create vantage points. As always, use caution as the river bank is deeply undercut and unstable. The fire pit shown here is located on the central path through the apple orchard. In fact apple wood seems to be the fuel of choice of whoever enjoys this pit, (which is suitable for preparing food over).
The barn swallows were putting on a show today. They would swoop in pairs down over the rushing river water just inches from the surface and then converse with each other as they rested on a nearby tree branch before again taking to the air.
The path is ready for all. Back where there are several paths to choose from, near the second "River Trail" sign, the new path to the north joins in. It offers another route which reaches the river several hundreds of yards to the north. It then continues on to emerge at the back of the RV parking area after taking you through the second growth woods.
After some questioning it is revealed that our own Al Ramsey, using his tractor, was the one responsible for the improvements on the trail system. A personal Bravo-Zulu goes out to Al. Try the trails and be sure to thank him the next time you see him.
The Buckley Log Show was a two thumbs up event. The parade on Main Street featured color guards, floats, the White River HS Marching Band, and plenty of BIG RIGS. There were crafts & food, wood carving,
and display of all the trucks and equipment from the parade.
The highlight of the day though was the contests of logging skill and strength of every sort from tree climbing and sawing events to axe chopping and throwing. While serious, these loggers were having fun. If you missed it this year, plan to attend next June.
Weather of note on the 24th included sunshine, various downpours accompanied by lightning & thunder, and a grand finale of pea-sized hail. If this is not unusual for Golden Valley, I'll use my 'I'm from the mid-west trump card' and plead, "no contest".
The cows were close on the evening of the 25th. The flaw in the upper right center of this photo is the moon which will be full on the 30th.
Terry can show you where to look to see a fully antlered elk and a salmon up near the mountain top as described in Indian lore. Ask him to point them out to you.
The rainbows in Golden Valley are always something special.