Mt Tacoma from Sunrise

August, 2008


Saturday - August 23rd
Fire Pit Area behind RV Storage
Gathering - 1 pm // Cooking Begins - 3 pm


Hamburgers & Hotdogs on the new grill.









It was a great day to sit back in the shade and enjoy a hamburger or a hot dog, along with all the dishes to share fare.  The new barbeque grill was fired up and all were in agreement that Lisle had built a winner.  So much good food.


More than 50 residents joined in the festivities on a beautiful sunny day.  It was fun to sing a wide variety of songs.  The words of "Good Night Irene" gave rise to many comments.Great vocal talent.

A number of personal shelter tents were set up and shared to keep everyone cool and out of the rare, but hot rays of the sun. 

It is a well established fact that summer won't last much longer but we can hope for a few more days like this.


Golden Valley Sunset


Sunsets like to hide from Golden Valley residents as we are somewhat 'over the hill', but this one was caught before it faded away.




The River was low, but running swift.


The water was low, but in a great hurry to get downstream.  No salmon were spotted in the milky waters on the 28th.



 The waters run fast

Large Boulder


 This large boulder seemed out of place. The hat has a 14 inch brim!  Imagine the energy required to roll it to its precarious perch. 




Kibbles worked hard to transplant the juniper.



Kibbles transplanted this Hollywood Juniper volunteer from the flower bed to the bank overlooking Golden Ripples.







September 2008
July 2008
Golden Valley Main Page

