Since the class of 1956 is
going to leave Hamilton High School, they have decided to leave their
final will and testiment. The following students leave the following
items to the following people:
I Frank Seavers wish to leave my
curly hair to Mike Todd.
I John Pierce leave my tall and
lanky frame to Gary Haage who is striving for 6 feet.
I Marlene Gronewold leave my
Pepsodent smile and laugh to Mr. Risdon.
Rosalie Hyndman is leaving school
with a bright future in mind, spelled W-A-Y-N-E.
I Wayne Swenson leave my bright
outlook on life to Tom Ross.
Warren Seavers is leaving nothing
and taking nothing.
I Donald King wish to leave my
cute little dimples to Carolyn Pilcher.
I Dorothy Buckert leave my ability
to play the accordion to Dave Larner. Maybe he�ll be famous some day.
I Beverly Yetter leave my long
fingernails to Keela Daugherty.
Joy Haage just plans to leave
Hamilton for Warsaw to become a Barber.
Nancy Clark wishes to leave her
good study habits to Gene Curtis because he doesn�t have any.
I, Pat Montgomery, wish to leave
my ability to stay awake to Ronnie Brooks, who likes to sleep in
secluded places. For example: Closets.
I, Barbara Glines, leave my
cheering ability to Ed Carel.
I, Betty Hosford, leave my ability
to win speech contests to Phil Jackson who talks a lot.
I, Mike Bricker, leave my sense of
humor and smile to Mr. Goodrich and would like to make sure that he
takes good care of it.
I Janet Biggs, leave my ability to
twirl the baton and march with the band to Linda Ketcham.
I Phil Heberer, leave my long wavy
hair to Bob Hawley who has always wanted red hair.
I, Dixie Thomas, leave my ability
to jitterbug to Doris Pilkington.
I, Eleanor Porter, leave my
biological instinct to Beverly Cochran.
I, Jerry Decker, leave my famous
hook shot to Coach Hafner. Practice hard, Coach, you�ll need it.
I Devon Stevenson, leave my
ability to tell long stories to Pete Taylor.
I, Betty Grant, leave my ability
to roller skate to Miss Anderson.
I, Donna Gray, leave my ability to
wear fancy glasses to Monte Simons.
I, Carol Smith, leave Tommy to the
watchful eye of Mr. Mosena. Take good care of him.
Darlene Kammerer is not leaving
anything, because she�s taking her favorite subject with her.
I Marsha Kennedy, leave my dairy
herd to any freshmen Ag boys who need a project.
I, Ruth Harker, leave my happy
school days to anyone who thinks their�s are dull ones.
I, Bob Wells leave my ability to
sing to Frank Morton.
I Allan Smulling, leave my way
with the girls to Terry Inman.
I, John Hempen wish to leave my
wrestling holds to Miss Sykes.
I, Helen Rowe, leave my
mathematical ability to Marlys Hanson.
I, Terry Hambelton, leave my red &
white convertible to Sonja, if she promises to take good care of it.
(Especially fenders)
I, Gary Cochran leave my green
cowboy boots to Nelson Kimmell, who needs a little help in heighth.
I, David Ernest, leave my ability
to drive with one hand to Wayne Pence.
I Janet Damron, leave my graceful
walk to Becky Hosford.
I, Gerald Wright, leave my great
interest in Macbeth to Allan Edwards.
I, Kenneth Weller, leave my
ability to play the harmonica to Delbert Disselhorst.